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    As a feminist I've always felt like the idea of objectification really only has relevance because of social inequities. The fact about sexual attraction is objectification can't be separated from it. Think about it, if you're not in love with someone, and we want to believe that it's okay to have sex for reasons other

    Okay, can anyone that works in fashion answer something for me? Is there any validity to the excuse "we choose tall thin models because they are easiest to drape" have any validity? Even if it's true that's always just struck me as being lazy at best.

    She is amazing, and I love that she stands by this message without being slut shamey about it. Cold War still makes me choke up a little every time I watch it.

    At this point most of us should know that all of these celebrity rags do nothing but feed on and perpetuate our insecurities in some endless and parasitic cycle of self loathing. I have to wonder why do people keep buying these horrible fucking things, but I am a smoker so the answer is probably there somewhere.

    Oh Martha, perhaps in another life we could have been soul mates. I can see us rolling up to the neighbors pad with gingham wrapped confectioneries as The Chronic drops an intro from our blinged out Civic. It could have been sweet. But time, distance and socioeconomic realities stand between us.

    Same here. I think the idea that cursive is somehow faster for everyone is... without point.

    That's understandable, and what I've heard the most. I guess down here it's used so much for women of all ages that we forget that some people associate it with age. I just wish there was something genderless and not associated with age that could be used to replace sir / ma'am.

    I hope these allegations about Kevin aren't true. My personal opinions about the character Elmo put aside he's very talented and has done some amazing charitable work. I just watched a clip of him performing beside Jim on the Aresnio Hall Show the other night, very funny and quick witted.

    Exactly this. If some people don't get it, that's not actually her fault, especially in this instance as it was well executed. You can't write for everyone, some people will just not get it.

    It was definitely part of the show.

    Absolutely agreed. Now can we start applying this philosophy to pretty much everything else that's needlessly attached to gender, sex, and sexuality?

    If you don't mind me asking, and you don't mind sharing, why does it feel demeaning to you?

    "Trust me, this date will go way smoother if you just stare deeply into my calf."



    I'm sorry to have put that on your shoulders, but I am glad you're thinking about it! If you have the time it would be awesome if you started a conversation with people you know about it. If you're interested in the thoughts of a non-binary person there's an awesome blog here:

    Yeah, I love to use the expression darlin' and don't mind at all when people use it with me. I just have to use it carefully.

    Understandable, but I'm also referring to people who are gender queer or non-binary. I use the expression sir / ma'am too, so it's something that weighs on my mind a lot, as there isn't a non-gendered way to address someone you don't know.

    Hey you touched on something I just posted in reply to someone talking about the south. What do you do when you don't know how someone self identifies? That's one of the real big problems with sir/ ma'am.

    That's the thing about Mormons, some of their beliefs are offensive but man, they are generally also some of the nicest people you will ever meet. I don't live in Utah but I've yet to meet a rude Mormon.