Any mention of American Idol or any similarly themed "reality" programming that isn't also paired with or followed by an eye roll or sarcastic comment.
Any mention of American Idol or any similarly themed "reality" programming that isn't also paired with or followed by an eye roll or sarcastic comment.
I kind of want to say fuck you to most of the comments in this thread. That wouldn't be very goddamned productive though. So I'm going to link to a blog, written by someone who is way nicer than I am. Maybe if you take the time to educate yourself you might be able to see this from a different perspective.
I can't recommend this comment enough. Especially considering all of the "but I haz teh know the gender" bullshit comments floating around. Do you?
They can hire you if you promise three things:
This times infinity. Your point and the fact that you're commenting on Jez makes me wonder if there's something to my speculation regarding the intersection of empathy and misanthropy. I know a few people like myself who are very in-tune with social justice and also kind of hate people.
Well duh, christians are generally privileged (especially if they can use twitter), and have insulated their psyche from the reality of the world. (Not hating, on them, just saying they've got it pretty damn easy by comparison.)
I think religion is like alcohol. It's not inherently bad or inherently good, but in the wrong hands it can be very very dangerous. This goes for just about every religion with the only notable exception I can think of being Taoism.
Lulz. I've always imagined that it's a product of wanting control period. Every Republican I know has some kind of issue with being a control freak. I would imagine that straight men with insecurities gravitate to ideologies that give them direct power over women (at least in their minds if they can't find someone who…
You said moist.
According to conservative politicians and pundits in the U.S. that last part never happens, and when it does a woman's body has ways of dealing with that, or something.
Okay, now is the time for the successful women already working in Hollywood to step up and start producing the kinds of films that need to be made. Why isn't this happening on a large scale already? Is the sexism so culturally ingrained that even women with the means to do so can't or won't?
People's lives are ruined by luck every day. These assholes were probably lucky in that they were born into wealth and privilege. I know that not everyone into "greek life" was born into privilege or is a completely useless human being, but when you do something like these guys did, you probably are exactly that.…
As much as I love Lindy's writing I have to agree with you. I think what we've seen here is a case of the enemy winning. I'm just going to file this article under "Author May Need A Vacation From The Internet".
No matter how many shitty squeals they try to sell us FFTactics will forever be one of my favorite games.
I approve of Picard's dismay.
At the risk of sounding needlessly critical, who cares? I've never heard of the person who wrote the original blog. I probably never would have had they not been given attention here. Don't get me wrong I understand the irony here (maybe), I mean who the fuck am I? But it's articles like these that give people…