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    There are definitely admirable qualities to be found down here. Being from the south though has definitely presented me with a huge problem. It's considered polite to use expressions like sir or ma'am. But those expressions are wrought with problems.

    I love expressions like "bless your heart". Is it condescending? Yes. But it's condescending for a purpose, not just to belittle someone. It's a polite way of saying, "you don't realize what an insufferable and self centered asshole you're being". It may come across as disingenuous, but really it's more akin to "kill

    And then they accidentally shoot themselves. That would make me chuckle. #thiscountryiscrazyracist

    Woh woh woh. Sorry Angus but that piece of shit was a creation of man.

    If we ignore PETA will they go away?

    Okay so there weren't any factual errors in Lindy's post, but your objection to this is the fact that people are too dumb to understand this is humor, and she misinterpreted the intention of the study? Oh no! Lindy has set back human progress and the general public's understanding of neuroscience!

    Generally speaking this is true, unless you're a minority. Sure we don't a Gulag here but... oh wait we kinda do, but it's mostly minorities that have to worry about it. Our crimes against humanity are just less overt.

    The difference is the content of those writings. We don't know with any certainty that Socrates existed, or what he thought because he never wrote anything down, he was an oral teacher. We only have the "testament" of his students. Though the consensus is Socrates was a real person, it's still entirely likely that he

    Honestly I'm not sure what you're aiming for either. But I can tell you this: comedy writing is probably the hardest field to be successful in. Infinitely more so if you're a woman. It's fucking brutal.


    "Like, I dunno I don't care if he was a perv he made good music."

    You're discounting how the environment effects the mind on a subconscious level. There's a lot going on underneath the surface you're not likely to be aware of.

    On both extremes jubeee, yes.

    Do you know any addicts? All of those films exaggerate or create a hyper-reality. Real opiate addiction is too boring to make compelling.

    Queue defense of fat shaming in 3... 2... 1...

    Now playing

    I think Bill summed it up well enough years ago.

    This just in, "Sex feels good and some people have shown a propensity to become addicted."

    Why can't I like, 'like' this comment? Cuz I love it.