
There is a federal law against selling used catalytic converters (other than for scrap) unless they have been certified as being functional.  This is why no salvage yard will sell them - they go straight into the scrap bin.  There were a few companies in the 00's that were recertifying them but it wasnt cost effective

Priuses are very popular because OEM cats are the only game in town so the thieves can come back and hit them more than once if not protected.  A local company manufacturers those guards.

My stock height Tacoma got hit a couple years ago. Anything they can get under easily is a target. Priuses (Priusii?) are the most recent target here in Northern California and elsewhere from what I’ve gathered. I was able to replace mine with an aftermarket unit for a couple hundred. Once you replace an OEM unit with

It’s more about the size of the cat itself. Big airflow requires a much larger cat, oftentimes with a richer per pound value because of the need to heat all that mass quickly.

I have a pair of secondary cats from my Camaro.. sold the car so now they’re just sitting around.  Can’t really try to sell them without looking like a thief.  Maybe the fact that they were at least unbolted at the front instead of being cut on both ends will help.

I have driven one, and the problem with the cars is that there literally is nothing about them that is seriously worth owning other than some nostalgia for a movie that - people seem to forget - was produced well after the DeLorean company folded and many DeLoreans even new were languishing at dealers with significant

While I don’t think this was a rollback:

Almost certainly an actual accident. What’s the point in faking mileage to go back 700 miles? 

No way it was a rollback. Check the mileage listing.

It goes from 33,911 to 33,239, and then back to 33,911 twice.

I’d wager that someone either accidentally or “accidentally” entered an incorrect mileage once.  

Sorry, not a Tesla worshipper here.  Doing something that shouldn’t be done, SHOULD be called out.  Consumer Retorts isn’t the only one calling them out NIHTSA is as well.

Towards the end, you’ll notice a hump appear further back on the roof; that’s an SUV getting pushed up by the wadded-up metal roof. I imagine the roofing got wadded-up enough that it was getting jammed between the roof of the car and the bridge that it had already damaged the car before shearing off.

I actually know some things about this type of thing.

I suspect there were car carriers ahead of that point, and then some lower height cars in between. The metal was stuck to the bridge.


You are right no car needs a V8, they need a V12

So....just overnight parts from Japan?

If you look real closely, the truck bears a slight resemblance to the 60's-era International pickup.

It has to be a pretty big hit.

If no one else is going to say it then I will. It looks like an Italian Volvo.

Also Maserati Quattroporte IV as a villan’s car (perfect car casting?) and 4 different Aston Martin’s in a 2:34 trailer!!!