
As a white person, this is literally the most we might have to put up with when it comes to racism, and plenty of us still can’t let it go. For black people, it’s death. For white people, it’s “Ya might be lumped in with other racist whites” and apparently that’s just too much for the self professed “not a racist” out

No micro TV tuner?

Re-eckoning was right there and they missed it.

The is hands-down, my #1 complaint about the game. Finding a hidden chest somewhere was a downer damn near every single time. It didn’t even have good “opening loot” porn to try and make it more interesting.

This sounds like a research study waiting to happen.

Put some hot sauce on it first!

So does Ridley Scott die at the end?

Financial assistance throughout.... the pregnancy? That’s it? That’s like.. the LEAST expensive part of having a baby?

Gosh, it’s almost like they don’t know how to do anything but spreedsheets, which conveniently is used an awful lot in counting big piles of money.

Well maybe if they’d do something different like, I don’t know, an all electric bike or something?

The bit at 1:39 kills me every time I see this video.

A Mustang that’s a hatchback? The #1 most non-requested hatchback ever? Am I seeing what I’m seeing here?

Something similar happened to the winners of an HGC tournament last year.

I don’t think it’s the heels that would be slowing her down.

My dad came to visit a few weeks ago and he was saying “The Twins are really good this year. I think they have a shot at it!”

They already made that one.

The head became fused with the ass long long ago. Chasing a handful of independents is the way it will continue to be long after we’ve all died.

The Portland Trailblazers. Where knees go to retire.

I hope it makes a bazilliondy dollars and we get a new one every Christmas for the next 7, no wait.. 8 years.

Ok, cool.