God +1 damn.
God +1 damn.
Converting, which in my case is to MKV(HEVC/H265), for the below reasons:
The “sync” feature is busted to hell and back. As you said, it should just download the exact file over to the device instead of derping its way through a transcode. ESPECIALLY if an optimized version has already been generated.
Plex is a wild rabbit hole if you let it be. The amount of discussion around what to get for a server can be pretty crazy and overwhelming. I’ve seen setups that are massive rackmounted servers with more TB’s than you’d think could exist in a single home, all the way down to RaspPi’s connected to half a TB of media.
Throwing something into the trash in Iowa, but somehow it ends up in the ocean?
Don’t use a debit card. Ever.
Maybe he was also thinking...
Lock up all these parents. Those kids are small enough that one errant adult body drop could snap a kids neck. Fucking ridiculously petty and stupid people putting their unimportant shit above the safety of children.
I went to a Pax Prime many years ago when the 5ghz band was a brand spanking new thing, and I also happened to have a phone that was one of the first with 5ghz wifi in it. The wifi network that was available at that Pax had a 5ghz band and it sure seemed like I was the only one using it.
Hey, you guys ever seen Weekend and Mr. Ed’s?
I got to see the inside of one at the Museum of Flight and was stunned at how small they are inside. Super tiny.
Side story: I went to college at University of Portland, which is a catholic university, and took a class called “Gender issues in biblical study” or something like that. The teacher is a nun.
And then the Terminator shows up and lays waste to everyone and everything?
For anyone that hasn’t played it, this game is fucking amazeballs and you should DEFINITELY go play it. Yes, even from the Epic store.
Could just buy a second set of cables and unplug the dock, leaving the cables for power and HDMI where they are. Probably a lot cheaper.
Could just buy a second set of cables and unplug the dock, leaving the cables for power and HDMI where they are.…
This is actually pretty interesting to me. I’ve had almost zero interest in playing any of the battle royale games released so far, even though I do actually watch competitive PUBG quite a bit.
Gosh, it’s almost as if the last several decades of Republicans accusing Democrats of all kids of illegal shit was so easy for them to do because they were already doing it.
4 words I’ve never seen before.
I think that’s called drafting?
I’d bet money Pence is dumb enough to have been all kinds of involved in all the illegal shit Trump was doing during the campaign.