That makes it exactly Sony's fault...
That makes it exactly Sony's fault...
These drives are just not the same, and it’s sort of silly to assume they are. Red’s are designed to spin constantly for a really long time, have safer control of head parking, and include improved vibration dampening.
These drives are just not the same, and it’s sort of silly to assume they are. Red’s are designed to spin constantly…
It appears they did not think about selling bundles of other games on tiny memory card looking carts that you could plug in to expand the library.
My dream of telling the manager at the coffee shop down the road (he’s a Browns fan) something along the lines of “Hey, aren’t they something like 1.5 and 46 over the last three years?” remains alive and kicking.
Unless she herself killed someone and he did all this in an effort to prevent her from killing more people, then it really doesn’t matter.
I know he’s not in good favor right now, buy Norm McDonald’s “Box office poison” line is one of the funniest damn things I ever saw on that show.
What are they going to kill next? The $6 burger?!?! The $7 burrito? How long is the $8 taco going to last??
My mom gave me a coffee cup with this Far Side on it when I was 12.
This article is some amazingly stupid shit.
I find these numbers difficult to believe considering how much coffee the world drinks.
All these people are going to rebuy Nike shit, so it kinda looks a lot like Nike’s campaign is a big win, right?
My reaction to all of this was pretty much “Yeah, that kinda sucks”
Two guys on the sofa.
“Car features a Methanol burning custom Pat Musi 649 cubic inch aluminum v8 with twin Precision pro mod 91 Turbochargers feeding air through Precision Turbo PT3000 charge air cooler . It utilizes a Neal Chance Torque Converter to deliver the power to the ground by way of the Rossler TH400 Gearbox… The potential peak…
If only it had been a Call of Duty tournament, then it would have been so much easier for conservatives to just blame guns!
I had a chocolate cocker spaniel growing up who was the breeder’s “Pick of the litter” right up until her hip issue was noticed. Was really glad to take that “unwanted” pup off their hands.
Clearly, if the crotch is always out in the open instead of occasionally showing up for a surprise peep-show feeling, then it’s all wrong.
“Hamby makes $308,000 per year”
Man, I’d love for someone to drive me somewhere for alcohol addition... to my blood stream.
This seems like the best way to spend money to feed the homeless, does it not? $300 for an entire year could be 1089 meals (Olive Garden closed Thanksgiving and Christmas).