
That is some serious mental disorder shit right there.  Doing that kind of thing just screams mental health problems.  I can get on board with the idea that racism is itself a mental disorder after seeing how that played out.

Look, if someone showed up on my doorstep to hide from the rain, I’d be a little suspicious too. But that has a lot to do with my doorway being in a residential neighborhood in the ‘burbs of Oregon about 30 feet from the sidewalk that is covered with trees where it rains ALL THE FUCKING TIME and people just walk in it

“The city of Hastings, Mich., has settled “

Kid is first running to the right, and then he runs to the left but he is still going the same direction? I’m so damn confused.

Trump will get the credit for the large paychecks.

“Guys, did you see this rad laser I bought on Ebay? You know what we need now....?

I didn’t know anything about his off screen world until well after I’d seen a few seasons of SV. I really like his character a lot and thought he did a fantastic job with it.

White Guy #23,485,901 who thought for SURE he’d be White Guy #1 to finally make it ok dropping N-bombs and not face any blowback for it.

It’s interesting that white people can just call the cops to get clarification on when it’s a good time to call the cops.  What a fine luxury that is, versus getting shot at immediately.

I’m so fucking sick of IPA’s. Like holy shit.. why is this a thing?

Well, if the press hadn’t spent the last forever doing such a fucktastically bad job, maybe people would believe them?

She would be running against Earl Blumenauer if she tried. He is hugely popular and probably not going anywhere soon, despite his 90's support for the Defence of Marriage Act.

Immediately came down to the comments to drop a “Now THAT’s a good taze” after that little bit and then I saw this comment and was like “WAIT WHAT?” quickly going back to the video!!

“You’re not going to get a better rate, the only thing you avoid is mortgage insurance, but you lose $15,000 in your pocket.”

“erythritol, xylitol and stevia”

As a white person, I find it interesting that the most insulting thing someone could call me due to my whiteness is “cracker”. And really, it’s not even insulting unless I want to fake like it is.

Interesting article.

They taped those boxes together? The fuck?

Maybe he should have stopped when the gator muttered it’s safe word?

Jennifer Garner kicking the everlovin shit out of everyone is the best Jennifer Garner.