“in an era when the industry is trying to confront its reputation for bullying, hostile work conditions, and harassment”
“in an era when the industry is trying to confront its reputation for bullying, hostile work conditions, and harassment”
I am, actually ok with this. Under one condition.. when the teacher reveals the correct answers, it’s a big fat “NOTHING!”.
“Dominos Obsequious Sororium”
These cases are the #1 reason my Saturn is the most neglected console out of my entire collection. Not only do they take up a TON of space, but that tendency to crack so easy is really obnoxious.
This all sounds like a really fucking weird lost episode of The Brady Bunch.
Do these idiots know most battle royale games are free to play?
This ability is horseshit in Heroes of the Storm’s version of Hanzo too. Not sure why they haven’t decided to make the damage scale up over distance after the split instead of being max damage right away. Getting all the separate arrows to hit one target may seem like a high skill level to accomplish, but it’s not.…
So... a new Amiibo, right?
So does he get some sort of record for having the longest living “fake record” or something?
This kid is a lot of fun to watch. Very easy to root for him, even when he’s dominating. Seems a lot like he’s just doing what he wants to do, and being who he wants to be, while enjoying it.
God damn it internet. Get your complaints off of NDGT! We need NDGT in our lives. He is good. Don’t ruin NDGT FFS. We can live with pedantic. It’s fine. It’s not a deal breaker. Just laugh and say “oh that NDGT.. such a ham!” NDGT is, not by his own definition, still awesome.
My guess is that Golf game carts were the easiest/cheapest to come by, as well as being super boring and unlikely to be stolen by whatever type of TSA agency employees existed back then.
In one way, it’s kind of nice to know that Trump is probably the closest thing we’ll ever get to a real world Emperor Palpatine. Another way, it kind of saddens me. I mean, we can SURELY do better than this, right?
How about an Android release? ehhh???
I wish I could have seen the transition of McTurtles face after he first found out she was pregnant and stupidly believed that meant she would vacate her Senatorship, to the point where Duchworth informed him that no, she was not going anywhere and that big stupid grin of his turned into sadness.
Your understanding of the law is incorrect. Target got in trouble for having background checks as part of their immediate application/screening of candidates. They can still do conditional offers that require the candidate pass a background check that would have been the same check done during the initial application.…
They won’t care since its welfare only when brown people get it.
Important topic...
I wonder how much worker’s comp one can claim if they get injured while trashing the CEO’s office. Did that chair your coworker threw across the room smash your toe because you couldn’t get out the way fast enough due to the obliterated desk bits and pieces you just created blocking your path to safety?