
Sooooo.... returning for Deadpool 2 or nah?

The blue truck appears to have pissed itself. A lot. Like, so much pee. How does that truck have that much pee to even begin with? Maybe it was trying to make the exit too because it had to pee real bad, but juuuust missed it and gave up trying to hold it.

They should straight up script OWL like it’s wrestling. Story lines and all.

My issues with charging cables are always related to the connectors, not the cable. Lightning cables seem to be super easy to have the pins corrode.

My issues with charging cables are always related to the connectors, not the cable. Lightning cables seem to be

Maybe they meant 100.... PERCENT? That’s a lot!

She was the best character. No debate allowed.

His knee clearly touched the ground after his second step.

There is no way in hell the NBA would ever pay former players what they’d ask for to do this thankless-get-shit-on-every-day job. Maybe a few former players that blew through all their earnings would do it for cheap, but hey.. now you have a squad of refs with money problems. What could go wrong??

I keep hoping he’s Batman. Or maybe his future kids will be but that is a long ass time to wait. We need Batman now damn it.

I’ve watched quite a bit of competitive PUBG, and I’ve never seen a camera angle like this used for such a long stretch. They usually move around from player to player for the over the shoulder or first person point of view. I suppose this is actually a nice change because you can see where all the remaining players

“Manifesto” would be the magic word being used.

“Curate your shows”

A lot of cool ideas, that move about as slow as molasses with a lot of shitty camera angles to confuse the point.

“Florida Man and Florida Woman got MAGA’ing missionary style in the backseat of their Ford Fiesta at a Chick-fil-A drive through”

Yeah, but if she had KILLED IT on the banjo.. that’s a lock.

I bought my PS3 and my first HDTV a few months after they came out. Both on the same trip to Circuit City. I’m more upset about the $100 I got duped into spending on an HDMI cable.

Both of my parents have longer names that they do not go by, and instead go by single syllable versions. My brother and I were both given single syllable names that we can’t shorten without sounding like dipshits. Both of my daughters have long names that my wife and I have shortened quite a bit. It’s weird how this

I think that would be more...

This is going to result in the US just giving North Korea nukes in trade for Trump getting broadcasting rights for his TV show there, right?

This has long been what I’ve hoped for. Greedy fucksticks can’t do shit with cash they don’t own so taxing it as soon as it transfers to an individual is the way to go. Drop a “Cash in Reserve” tax on the companies. Anything over 5 years worth of operating costs sitting in the bank doing nothing gets hammered for 80%.