
I used Full Stop once and I hated myself for doing it. Even before I hit submit, which I did anyways.

Because the US doesn’t produce enough of steel or aluminum to meet the demand, so those companies that need steel or aluminum will have to import it anyways, with an idiotic tariff on top of what they are paying now.

Fat Donny Two Scoops

1425 in a year is about 4 cars a day.

I picked one up for full price about a year ago and I still think it was worth every penny. Driving games are a whole new thing for me that I didn’t care for all that much before.

I picked one up for full price about a year ago and I still think it was worth every penny. Driving games are a

I came from Oregon and there was a local term used “kipe” to describe the act of stealing.

So Cena, the customer in this case, is gonna pull a big fat dream scenario “Shoulda got it in writing” against a huge multi billion dollar company and it just might work?!?

Why even waste the money on bombs. Just load them up with all those recalled lawn darts and chuck them out the back. Their bound to get a few kills that way.

Well, it’s a good thing the cops quickly identified that he was single, and an avid gamer. I mean.. case closed on the root of the problem right?

It amazes me that companies often just dump shit and leave it to rot. Why not sell it for scrap or something? Surely, selling the whole damn thing for even just $5 would be better than letting it sit there accumulating future removal costs.

Showing up to a Master Sword fight with a kitchen knife is never going to go well.

Amazon has to stay somewhere and if they’ve already gone and built a huge facility, their motivation to pack up and move becomes a lot harder.

Give them a huge tax break, and then take it away as soon as the HQ is built.

If Gronk had come flying in from out of nowhere, with enough time to line it up of course, and given Reimer a cheap shot to the back of the head, that would have been ok with me.

So it’s your contention that Clinton should have got rid of Abedin, the woman who’s HUSBAND did the bad thing, because why exactly?

I ask my 3 year old about her day, but with prompts. “Did you have a snack”, “Did you do any art?”, “Did you play on the playground?”

It took a monster hit last year. That shit was entirely unwatchable.

Heroes of the Dorm last year used Facebook exclusively and it was an abject disaster. Blizzard just announced this weekend that Heroes of the Dorm 2018 will be on Twitch and was met with “That means I’ll actually be able to watch it.”

Huffington is a shit stain of a human being, that much is certain, but hawking one of her companies to another company she works for is not one of the reasons she is a shit stain. That’s just typical self-serving business-person shit. If she had done that in a government position of some kind, then throw her ass in

As someone who has participated in the HoTS community regularly for over 2 years now, this trailer was quite a bit outside the norm of what Bliz has done in the past. Yes, they’ve done trailers and stuff but those have usually been for “Events” that launch a new hero, a new map, and all kinds of meta quests for items.