
@Love Monkey: Actually, I think in this case, since it was a train with a bunch of other people, she was totally smart to be LOUD and get her fellow passengers on her side, and taping the whole thing. I don't think Mr. Penis could have done anything if he had wanted to after that—not without risking a serious

@roodles: I got the pan for Christmas last year. It's *awesome* for both brownies and lasagna. Highly recommended if you like chewy corners.

Do not assume a woman is some kid's mother or grandmother, just because they happen to be near each other in a store.

I am, no kidding, in the process of making a Death Star cake for a 4 year old this week. He has been both Yoda and Luke for Halloween already.

@Lilija: Oh god, thank you for this! Your kid is lucky to have an awesome mom...and all the other kids who don't have supportive parents and who are being bullied are lucky to have you in their corner making things better for them.

I have sympathy for these parents, even if what they did isn't necessarily productive. I mean, if administrators aren't taking you seriously, what can you do to protect your kid in the immediate instance aside from pulling them out of school or suing the school district (which isn't likely to end the problem soon

@dr_bambi: Kraken and Un Lun Dun have the most "humor" in them of any of his stuff.

"This "prank" — having students be called prostitutes based on what they're wearing — does not conform to any school of teaching we've encountered."

The only decent thing I got out of this episode was the term "ass fraggle."

@Erin Burr: Yeah, this whole thing is even lazier than usual.

So we're reduced to Jewish cruise-goer stereotypes? (I was on a cruise last year...and the cruise entertainment was way better than that sketch.)

Honestly? I still think he was right about George W. Bush.

Actually, I think this freak show probably is closer to the kind of thing Hoffman had in mind. Because that dude was MESSED UP IN THE HEAD. Go on Wikipedia and read the synopses for "The Sandman" and "The Devil's Elixir" and tell me I'm lying.

@bluebears: Ah, sorry. Didn't realize. The story made it seem like her name was used without her consent. (Where was the school in this as well? Did no one notice she was being bullied?)

I hope her mother sues the rapist and the Fox affiliate for wrongful death. It won't bring her back, and it will likely be cold comfort...but those bastards should be forced to pay.

On a recent flight, I was forced into the middle seat, between two businessmen. I fit (just barely, but I did manage to cram my considerable butt and thighs in there with both armrests down). I spent the entire flight with cramps from squeezing my thighs together, and my arms crossed over my chest, as hard as I could

Oh god, I'm just going to stop right now, after reading the initial piece.

Seconding warm socks, toe and hand warmers, and snow boots. The boots being the most important. Seriously, ever tried to walk down a street of new 15" of snow? Where, say, two or three houses shoveled their walk and no one else has? You will end up with wet pants, wet ankles, wet socks, etc..unless you have good boots