
@Cairn Awaits MizJenkins: Except immigrants—both documented and undocumented—already exist in many instances as a separate class of people (and have since very early in the history of the U.S.) Labor history is full of examples of bosses and politicians exploiting immigration status in order to divide and conquer—and

@emaline: I think, these days, more mainstream papers use the phrase "undocumented immigrant"—which is far less inflammatory.

Shouldn't the title be "Why Gawker hopes you care about Kanye's penis"? Oh, since the pics aren't exclusive to Gawker, I guess not.

Your host mother sounds, um...what's the word?...MEAN.

It's true: the Marie Claire eds who suggested and vetted the fat-shaming story should be held accountable.

@la femme etranger: Agreed. Gawker editors continue to defend the post as a "great piece"—despite its blatant sexism (really? devoting copy to her pubic hair grooming and what that supposedly says about her "sexual experience"?). Why is there nothing in this post about that? Or about what was paid for it? (Low four

@Robert McClary: Devoting several graphs to the state of her pubic hair and how that is indicative of her sexual experience is damn sexist, yes.

@Cam/ron: Um, no, not in my experience.

You know, I was sort of annoyed by this earlier when I commented on this piece by Coen—the idea that we as an audience are being blamed for giving page views to an inflammatory story that Gawker stuck an even more inflammatory headline on, as though it proves people who read the story agreed with the sexist content of

Sorry, Jessica, but I'm not buying this...rationalization? explanation? Whatever this is meant to be.

@RedHotz: I wold hope that pushing an unarmed person on the ground and stomping on their head would qualify as a felony...but yeah, you're probably right that it won't be.

@CandyBacon: If he's convicted of an assault, he'll hopefully lose his right to carry a weapon.

@Coup d’état: Clinic escorting is a great option—to help shield women (and their partners) from these nuts. Also, organizing a pro-choice protest outside of this group's church on a Sunday might be a good wake-up call for them.

I posted this on Gawker, but I'll say it here too:

@DaftmouseI know about the Smith version and Heston's Omega Man...but what's the third adaptation?

There is something wrong with a world where George Michael is imprisoned and Carl Paladino is free to walk the streets.

Wow. This right here is a main reason why so many rapes go unreported. Kudos to this woman for getting this asshole on tape and exposing him.

"I will seriously kill you in your face" will be my new catchphrase, I think.

@mustlovebooknerd: Is that a fact? Just wondering, because when I googled it, it seems like there are a bunch of conflicting reports, some that she said it, some that she didn't, some that someone in her family said it, some that she was called a bitch/fat and that that was what set things off and the n-word never