
I *highly* recommend de Ruijter dark chocolate sprinkles, available for approx. $6 at World Market. I funnel those things straight out of the box and into my gullet. Very tasty.

Who? Where? When? If you cannot cite *specific* examples, then you are merely engaging in the worst sort of fear-mongering bigotry.

I am so so stressed (looking for work suddenly for the first time in 22 years after unexpected job upheaval...finding I am really not qualified for anything.) I’m baking a lot to cope. Here are some Star Wars chocolate butter cookies.

Just what overworked public school teachers need! 30+parents coming at them with books to write personalized messages in...

I think it was added after, which is great!

People who would like to read the original article from Farber and Rumsberger can find it here (it doesn’t appear to be linked in the above article):

If she was a champion of Muslims she would not associate with Hindu fascists. There is no gray area here.

Gabbard is held up as a progressive hero, but she is an Islamophobe and has been hosted by a group associated with the Hindu fascist RSS. She is not someone to cheer on, regardless of what she says about Trump.

Agreed with all, except this: “Pies tend to have a hearty, dependable shell, but once sliced open, tend to fall apart. Does that not speak to your inner goth? Pies. Are. Just. Like. You.” (If your pies are falling apart, you aren’t letting them cool long enough usually. So, also like me.)

Fun fact: Most of the pardoned turkeys die almost immediately, because they are essentially genetic mutants with sad immune systems and aren’t capable of surviving for any length of time.


Came back to add: I owe those women a very large debt of gratitude.

Yes. She was shaking and so nervous. It was very brave.

Not a first date (which was fine, fun and uneventful), but a second date (and I think it counts’ll see why): We went to a bar and he saw a woman he knew, paled visibly, and said her name. I thought “oh, ex-girlfriend...or current girlfriend maybe?” The woman turned, saw him and immediately angrily said,

Did Stenberg come out as genderqueer/nonbinary? I was thrown by the pronoun in the last paragraph—it seems to imply that, which may not be the case?

When I lived in the UK in ‘95-’96, the Oxford Union brought OJ Simpson to speak just after the verdict. (So actually, while this letter may be fake, they wouldn’t be above inviting Lohan.)

Joanna, I think this post begins in a very misleading way: When you look at Moore’s vote vs. the total voting eligible population, only 18 percent of all potential voters voted for Moore: 19 percent of white women, a negligible handful of Black women, 26 percent of white men and 2 percent of Black men. Certainly it’s

Please, everyone, go read Susan Faludi’s “Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women.” It will make you hate Michael Douglas and this movie with a passion—and examines (among other things) how “Fatal Attraction” was a part of the context of the attacks on the gains of the women’s movement that were escalated

I’ve always referred to this as the “Bev’s magic GPS vagina” scene.

When sexism in tech is so bad that women literally recreate the plot to “Remington Steele”...