@TopLevelExecutive: That's a pretty serious accusation. Can you explain what you mean or at least provide a link? I think a lot of people here would be really disappointed if it's true.
@TopLevelExecutive: That's a pretty serious accusation. Can you explain what you mean or at least provide a link? I think a lot of people here would be really disappointed if it's true.
@CoffeeBlood: Yeah it's a *great* film. While I think Albini's a good producer/engineer, he's always come across as one of those knee-jerk "anti-PC" people...who make a fetish out of being an asshole because he can at least claim to be "going against the crowd." It's obnoxious.
@redpensplease: I guess I just don't care whether people are using the money I give them for food or booze or whatever. Just like I wouldn't police the choices of other people, I don't believe in policing the choices of poor people.
Even when Steve Albini was young, he was the cranky old man of rock. (Watch the documentary "You Weren't There: A History of Chicago Punk" to see what I mean.)
@Candychelle: Because there's a difference between organizations and individuals?
This reminds me of people who won't give money to homeless people because they're afraid it will be used on booze.
Savage addressed some of this (the "it's not proactive enough" stuff) in a blog post today, and I think it's worth reading:
@kityglitr: Very true. I'm from California, and there are lots of rural areas. There's certainly no monopoly on backward ideas in the U.S.
The other day, after Savage was on a radio station talking about the project, a mom wrote into the radio host to talk about how hearing him on the show prompted her kid to come out to her:
@Better_red_than_dead: But not a particularly funny one.
Well, that's a slightly interesting development.
I'm not trying to pick a fight here, but I'm kind of disturbed at how many people can read this post—in which three plus-size fashion bloggers who share the shame concern came together to post about a real issue that a lot of us are feeling these days (not just about Target, but other retailers as well, which are also…
@prettywithapistol: Thank you! I always thought I was being irrational when I'd get annoyed about this—it's nice to see other people feel the same way.
@Katie Did.: For me it's not a scarcity of plus-size clothing overall, it's the scarcity of cute/fashionable plus size clothing at Target. If I want shapeless tees and sweats, they have plenty of them. But the Isaac Mizrahi collections they've done? Zac Posen? Not available in plus.
@Bs Baldwin: "One is a genius, the other's insane!"
@MessyBessy: "Sit-ins, marches, and strikes don't do anything."
@lizilizi1: Yeah, it was the mice one that really got me too.
@MessyBessy: You know I've heard that "pragmatism" argument ever since I became a socialist. I'm really tred of it, because it's a hollow argument.
@cheshirecat99: It's not surprising—it is why I don't support the Democratic Party though.
@MessyBessy: I don't buy that at all. Most of the American population, the president, leading generals, troops, the authors of DADT, and even 77 percent of Republicans say they now support repeal of DADT. Why can’t this reform, that Obama and the Dems have promised repeatedly, be passed on its own merits?