Just a warning for my fellow Jezzies who are also Gawkerites: The comments on the Gawker version of this article are infinitely depressing.
Just a warning for my fellow Jezzies who are also Gawkerites: The comments on the Gawker version of this article are infinitely depressing.
Why do I get the feeling your list is naturally kept manageably low by your willingness to tell others how they should use their social media?
Totally disagree. I think Facebook is actually ideal for getting updates from people I don't see regularly and haven't talked to in years. Years ago, I had strong connections with people I met while traveling abroad, attending debate tournaments, or working at a coffee shop. I don't swap pen-pal letters with the…
It's not only that. It issues reminders about birthdays. You get notified when other people write on their wall or post a picture. It hits you with a gut wrenching reminder of your loss at random times and, for some people, that affects their ability to process things in their own way.
Hey, that's an awesome job of judging the fuck out of people for being extroverted you've done there. Keep up the good work, you sanctimonious asshole!
On Tuesday, a girl I grew up with died of a rare form of cancer. She left behind two little kids, a husband, a large…
@idriselba should be sorry he is not as sexy as me #whitemanprotestsigns
"Remember when we clothed and fed you in exchange for a little work?"
In my family/state, it's safe to assume that "salad" is going to be primarily made of either mayonnaise (eg: egg salad, pasta salad, potato salad) or whipped cream. The best sweet salad I've had is a combo of whipped cream, fruit cocktail, mandarin oranges, mini marshmallows, and crushed Fudge Stripe Cookies).
I do not find Mia Farrow's graphic illustration of the destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter to be as shocking as the actual destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter.
Following the conversation earlier today on NuvaRing, I think we should all take a giant step back from any mass media coverage of medical topics and breathe deeply before jumping to any conclusions. Katie Couric, Vanity Fair, the New York Times, etc all are vying for limited reader(viewer)ship which means that a lot…
Since colors are overwhelming I suggest my own personal technique: pick something you like that's a color, and then another color that goes with it, tada! Don't make it about the colors (unless you really want to*), make it about the things you like and want to include.
People grieve differently. She's in shock. I know 7 hours after my dad died I was on Facebook, Twitter & IG bc I was home alone with only my thoughts & my disbelief. I was grasping at straws. All I knew in life was in pieces. I knew that, sadly, the Internet would "be there" for me so that's where I turned. I'd have…
Look, Sarah Connor is one of my movie heroes and I will forever pay tribute to Linda Hamilton for what she did with that role but uhhh... have these people never seen the original film? Sarah wasn't exactly in "Mother of the Revolution Poster Girl" form quite yet. About the baddest thing she did was bite Kyle in an…
Zooey Deschanel, who I often forget is pretty cool, spoke truthy words about how horrible the Internet can be in…
all too often, domestic violence is treated as something "private," a matter between couples best resolved behind closed doors.