
Yep. I’m not a fan of the way this is going. We need Decrim not legalization. Let people run their businesses that they already have. Small business is the engine of the American economy, remember? I’m pretty sure I heard that at a GOP convention speech or two.

Thanks Brian, I thought the internet was running out of men saying idiotic things to women, but here you are!

I love this guy, Can he go to all the rallies?

It’s not the babies. If they paid for their own seat they’d have some grounds for having rights but the parents are taking up their own fair share of being annoying and are not paying for the annoyance of the additional person.

Ah, maybe those kids would be better off in a public school then.

There are exceptions and dire situations. If MOST parents would agree to not abuse the Annoying Children exemption the rare cases would encounter far less resistance.

Babies don’t know they weren’t at funerals.

Pretty bummed she didn’t publish the poem.

So now I have to watch The View? This is some bullstuff right here.

There is no way you got paid enough to compile this article. God that’s disgusting.

My god being a ‘childless person in your late 20’s’ is a thing? I didn’t think anyone considered themselves ‘childless’ until their late 30’s. Being a childless person in your late 20’s is being a person in your late 20’s.

Not talking origin, talking association. Except for maybe Hildegard, there aren’t that many names that are ‘white’ in origin.

Srsly do none of you have any Latina friends? If you have more than four one of them is named Jacqueline.

Jacqueline is Latina. :-).

Are you unfamiliar with the set up of a variety show?

I think she’s kind of doing a Dolezal by pretending to be fat.

Yeah, I stopped reading after the author disclosed that she’s I dunno, delusional? Taking part in fat-appropriation? I’m not sure what it is but lemme tell you something Ms. Not-Fat, I was once about your weight and thought I had to say I was fat because saying you’re not fat as a girl is being egotistical and anyway

I dunno, I’m straight and femme and am only attracted to hot butch girls, who for some reason don’t generally hit on me and I’m too dependent on straight heternormaitve behavior to hit on them, so we’re at a draw and I haven’t really ever explored that side of my sexuality.

I am not going to click on this 9/11 and work article because it’s only Monday morning and I’ll use up all my outrage for the rest of the week.

There are no such things as internet users in their 40’s. LOL.