
Jeez man, did Rivera meet your girlfriend at a bar, make intelligent conversation with her, get her number, call her three days later, take her out for a semi-casual dinner at an old neighborhood standby (his treat), drop her off at her doorstep, call her again three days later, take her to a romantic-comedy musical

Drinking & womanizing doesn't make you a bad ass, standing up and speaking the truth when everyone else is worried about the sponsors makes you a bad ass.

It was really difficult for me to get what "Mrramen" was supposed to mean, then I realized it's a reference to a food that no one I know eats anymore, because we all have jobs and stuff.

You are a bad person with an ugly heart.

OMG you're right; Lindy meant that totally 100% seriously. She had no idea that white people ever went to jail. Thank god you were here to tell her. Now she knows. Phew. Saved.

YES YES YES, So glad to have Greggggggggg back in our lives, it's taking all of the best parts of Fun with PK and condensing into one amazing paragraph of pure hatred, don't take Gregggggggggggg away from us Drew

Not to nitpick, but DARE isn't a relief program for kids, it's a propaganda machine for conservative parents. They openly claim (among other things) that pot is just as bad as Heroin. They encourage children to inform on their peers, even if they only have suspicions of drug use, and encourage imprisonment and zero

"Where we're going, we don't need Rhodes!"

Marcuse posits that ketchup, as a physical manifestation of socialized customs of faux-sausage topping, reinforced archetypal mores handed down from the parapets of the industrial dominants. Only by refocusing working-class attitudes to commodification can society, as both an individual instance and communal body,

Horrible, as in they stink, the reporter asked?

"1st Round Glory Boy might have been in 6th grade, but hardworking UDFA Seahawks WR Doug Baldwin was ALREADY IN EIGHTH GRADE. While Griffin was skirting by on his talents, Baldwin was clearly more experienced, staying after school to attend extra tutoring sessions. The work clearly paid off when Baldwin played a key

Whoa, whoa whoa, why are they going to buy in the high-rent district?

I mean, Thayer Evans' parents dress him funny and he has no friends. He smells like rancid mayonnaise and he listens to Enya while watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

I've got nothing against the guy. He's nice, we speak all the time. But he supports Hitler and doesn't wash his hands when he's done peeing.

THAT is an SID who knows their shit. RAISE FOR THEM. Great way to handle an inquiry.

Archangel Michael: I see, like when you had that man killed to test Ray Lewis?

Nothing comes out when he moves his lips, just a bunch of gibberish.

I missed you Jamboroo, I missed you so much! Also please bring back Gregggggggggg, this is the problem with you Glorrry Boy bloggers, so out of touch with your audience

Cooper trots to the line. Williams lines up for bump coverage.

I know this might sound weird, but we can be pissed off about both. Shocking, I know.