I’m sorry, what the fuck?
I’m sorry, what the fuck?
Thank you for proving my point that there are no fucking consquences to being “falsely accused” of sexual harassment.
So...you’re just making hypothetical lying bitches up and running with it? Ok.
If people hate you that much then maybe you’re the problem. Also, women don’t just dream up harassment claims.
“HR will most likely go with the accuser, out of fear of a lawsuit”
Bull shit. You are talking out of your ass. The last man who harassed me, the only one I went to HR about, is still employed and only got a talking-to. And unless you live under a rock and have for the past few decades, you’ve heard story after story about women enduring years of sexual harassment and discrimination…
So you walk around with this belief that there are a significant number of women who will lie to HR to get you fired for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
What happened to Bill O’Reilly or Harvey Weinstein wasn’t a “mere” accusation. It was multiple repeated accusations and all sorts of people coming out of the woodwork to talk about it. It was a pattern. Yes, somebody can take something you do the wrong way, sure, it’s a possibility. These careers are ending because of…
I had a boss who skated out of a sexual harassment charge. You know the kind of shit he used to do?
It’s very simple: Don’t make SEXIST (not “sexist,” as sexism is a real thing) jokes. Don’t comment on a woman’s looks, body, or imagined sex life. Don’t stare at her tits. Don’t touch her. Speak to her in a professional, polite, friendly manner JUST LIKE YOU’RE ABLE TO PULL OFF WHEN SPEAKING TO MEN.
No, we aren’t in those positions; our positions are infinitesimally worse. So no, we frankly aren’t going to to bother “looking at it from this perspective”, because we don’t feel sorry for you.
May you always have the confidence of a mediocre white man.
I had a really disturbing conversation with a friend who said she would not “allow” her husband to have dinner with young female colleagues. Aside from the fact that she apparently can’t trust her husband if he’s off-leash, that is the kind of shit that holds women back at work. People really can work together without…
Damn, are they incapable of not making everything about them? Jesus. The solution is not to stop interacting with your female colleagues, the solution is simply to KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL. DON’T HARASS, DON’T ASSAULT. Why is that so fucking hard to understand? AAAAARRRGH, I’m having a rage stroke.
I certainly found it cervixable.
Usually when someone from the Dolphins line fucks up this egregiously they at least do it more incognito.
Well, this is embarrassing
Guys, I’ve snorted coke off of a pussy. I didn’t really get all that hy, men.
He hasn’t sat down in the past 48 hours.
Well, I’m sure he stood for the anthem, so there’s no problem here.