
White lady (and steeler fan to boot!) checking in too. Love Cam Newton. If the Steelers don’t go far this year (and really, who the hell knows with those guys right now) I’m totally rooting for the Panthers to take it all the way.

I watch her on PBS all the time. Every time the bf asks why I watch her I tell him “Because she is a queen. An evil queen, but my god, I would follow her into homegoods hell.” I love her. I know she’s evil, but she’s TOO good.

I used to go to her site well before the show and I’d always have to change her recipes a bit, but they were a good base. I was kind of shocked when she got her show and now I can’t even go to the website because her persona is soooooooo annoying. Glad I’m not the only one. I was kind of feeling like an asshole. :)

I’ve heard that so many times. I guess it’s because we all know women should be forced incubators and should proud of that.

Exactly. Add on ever changing lists of what’s covered and not covered, what’s covered via mail order versus what’s covered via in pharmacy pick-up, we’ve been told that there’s levels of checks and balances (and live with them ALL THE TIME) that we mostly don’t ask. I don’t think it makes anyone stupid, though many of

Me too. :( I came here to read some like-minded people’s comments before I rage-stroked on my local news thread for this story. It’s insane.

This. I love face/off a lot because not only is the premise/tasks/panel in it for the talent, but the contestants are usually such great people and generally rooting for each other. I love that. Respect doesn’t mean you can’t have personal drive, it just means that you support the WHOLE industry- in which everyone

Probably valid.

Seriously, she writes a lot of fluff pieces. (No pun intended) Homegirl needs to find out if LiveJournal still exists.

This woman is such a mess. And she is so happy to play it out on the internet. Bless her. Also, she owes my work some explanation as to why I’m slightly behind on my deadlines now.

I’m totally sucked in too. I can’t help it. I really detest this woman and Olivier. Poor young girl and ex wife with the daughter.

I like that too. I felt like she explained that well in the first debate when she spoke about how she continues to get new perspective and information therefore she feels it’s her duty to change her stance.

I had to scroll up to check for the gun. And then my bf asked what I was looking at and made me scroll back so he could check for the gun too.

Yeah, on the Gawker article someone posted this quote from the DOJ Ferguson report: “Even profane backtalk can be a form of dissent against perceived misconduct. In the words of the Supreme Court, “[t]he freedom of individuals verbally to oppose or challenge police action without thereby risking arrest is one of the

Totally. I was once a 15 year old who was being pursued by a 21 yr old. I was always the nerdy shy girl so when this attractive older guy started talking to me more and more I just remember feeling like I was finally worthy of attention. Someone found value in me as a maturing romantic person. Now, I find it

In the beginning he looks at the watch Herschel gave him and the bf and I immediately knew what was going to happen. It was good to prepare. UGh. So brutal.

Definitely a good law to have!

Wait? This is normal enough that they needed a law?

Could you imagine being a guest at that wedding? Like an out of town cousin who wasn’t super close to them, never even thought to expect this..
