
I don’t know... I feel like it’s a lot of pressure on the assistant in this case considering how choreographed Beyonce’s image is. I mean, she tried to tell the internet to stop posting pics of her during the super bowl. Imagine if you were the assistant that missed the piece of fabric over her nip during a photo op.

My dad once sent his mother a birthday card on his birthday. He also once told a waitress (while I was sitting across the table from him) that I was his “prettiest blue eyed daughter.” I have green eyes. Lucky for him, he did know my sister has brown eyes. Celebrity dads- they’re just like our dads!

I jsut read the crazy long thread above, so forgive me if this was already added, but in addition to the red tape and time, schedule is also an issue. My brother was out of a job recently and he and his wife only had one car. She was working, so he took a bus to her work, picked up the car, and went to the food pantry

I think that prior to this episode Enid being a part of the wolves was a justified theory, but now it’s not. I think the whole point of this episode was showing that she was NOT harboring ulterior motives- she just trusts herself more than a group to survive. When she mentions that there’s too many corners to protect

When that guy picked up the gun I was like “by not killing him, you’ve killed someone else- also, we’ve seen the pacifist letting them go, they come back and eat Bob.”

I think so too. When I saw that wolf pick up the gun I was like “See? That’s why you have to kill someone when they attack you- by not killing him you’ve killed part of your group.” I told my bf “doesn’t he know that when you let him go they come back and eat Bob?!” But he doesn’t know that because he wasn’t there for

DUDE! I was at a few of the ATF concerts. I totally still have the t-shirt. I really liked about three bands. And my BFF was in love with Flood, but I can’t even remember the name of the band. There were some DECENT bands that were gateway bands to drag people into that stuff.


I love you for this picture

Oh man... pregnant men. I think a lot would be cleared up real quick when it came to reproductive health in this country.

I had this same debate (with myself) on SomeECards.

Or you and your friends walk up to the strip mall and were too busy talking to realize you were headed right for the cart return... I actually immediately curled in a ball on the sidewalk.

Because an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus. It is the loss of a pregnancy and does not refer to why that pregnancy was lost. Therein lies a lot of the debate- some people see it as a loss of life whereas the medical definition has

Why does that say that they are separating the boy sand girls to make things MORE dynamic? That seems a bit counterintuitive.

Right. and since the boys got all the important education, you’re gonna need one in order to have any financial stability. :(

Well, more talk about women’s bodies based in science the better! Personally, my first period talk was from my older sister. For the record, we didn’t really get along until I was about 22. That in mind, she told me that your period is when your organs explode and then you die.

Totally. I know some really great teachers and had some really great teachers but I can also counter most of them with examples of power tripping terrible teachers. Like you said, it just seems extremely f-ed up when you consider that they are influencing young people in such a profound way.

Dude. Once in 7th grade, I tried to run for SCA Secretary. I had originally filled out Vice President on the form but a good friend of mine and I decided she should do the VP thing and I the secretary so I scratched it out and wrote secretary. The teacher who looked over the forms allowed every single student except

I hope this is accurate. I’ve always made friends easily so when I started working I made deep connections with so many people. Unfortunately I had gotten burned personally and professionally from these work friends. I’m in my late 20’s now and have pretty much kept my distance at work. I like my coworkers a lot and

Honestly, I think everyone should wear oxfords most of the time. They’re so versatile and swanky. Good decision.

same. Though, it helps that the bf and I only share a comforter. We have smaller separate blankets so if one of us takes over the comforter it just gets abandoned and you continue on with your own blanket. it’s weird and we really don’t make the bed often because of it, but it’s kind of awesome.