
Tyler, I need your help here; Can you explain to me how this maneuverability demonstration relates to real world dog fighting? My problem is that I know enough to understand that these maneuvers aren’t typical outside of airshows and demonstrations, but not enough to be able to see how they would give the 35 the upper

Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America

When you outlaw guns, only Bulbasaurs will have guns!

.484/.485/.742 since he came back from the DL.

this....this is a better synopsis of why we suck than anything you could have written drew. nothing against you, but this lady takes the cake.

So how long have you been working for Sprint?

I wish criminal charges could be filed against those who waste all our time and resources on frivolous lawsuits. Jail time would be an excellent deterrent.

Words cannot express how angry this makes me. This copyright insanity/stupidity has to stop. People are ripping off others and getting away with it, while random people are getting in trouble for using certain words, which is the most blatant violation of freedom of speech. You can’t (or shouldn’t be allowed to)

Those idiots should be put on trial for abusing copyright XD

I’m amazed — AMAZED — the author uses three names to identify himself.

Wait a minute. How did they get the car so close to the field?

Eh. This is one issue where I diverge greatly from feminists on, probably due to my ethnicity. As a black man in America, I just can’t be so dismissive of the the existence of false allegations of rape and the impact that they have when they occur. Many an African-American man in the early-mid 20th century ended up

If Zimbabwe wants to extradite Walter Palmer to be prosecuted for what looks like several crimes here, let’s hope the US gives him up without a peep. Looks like they’re already prosecuting the local people involved:

This play still makes me smile.

I get so defensive about Oakland but then I remember that my husband was mugged and had his motorcycle stolen. In separate incidents. And someone got murdered in a friend’s apartment complex near the Whole Foods. My Oakland defensiveness gets reduced to “But Lake Merritt! And restaurants! And did you know there is

The idea of UFC having ever had a soul is right up there with calling boxing “the sweet science”.

The end scene where MJ extended his arm to score the winning basket will be replaced by LeBron using the toon world to extend his hairline.