
All the screens are making me want analog dashboards more and more now. I really wish manufacturers would just stick to making the car and let the aftermarket handle screens / software.

Nobody fucking knows. Even the insiders don’t know. If you talk to level-headed people in the industry, they’ll tell you that the current approach of tying together a multitude of machine learning systems is hitting a ceiling. When we’ll break through that ceiling is a matter of discovery, and you can’t predict

As a software engineer, I still have to manually enter the correct number of parenthesis and semicolons. If I make a variable called “timeNow” and then later refer to it as “timenow”, computer freaks out.

The fuck is a chiset?

Wake me up when he grabs someone by the pussy.

Sick of what? Splinter being biased against anyone not named Bernie, or our candidates being dragged through the coals?

Popularity with who? I mean according to you clowns he’s the most popular politician in the country, guess Barack died, and yet he’s behind Biden in all the polls. I mean look I know that you clowns don’t care about this country, just Bernie, but the rest of us know he’s a piece of shit. Oh where are his taxes?

So a Bernie Surrogate says this shit and ignores his sketchy ass’ 2016 campaign? For real Splinter we know you love that underachieving seventy year old loser but stop with the bullshit. Bernie has tried to kneecap every strong challenger, correction stronger challenger, than his ass & you pitiful fucks play right

Counterpoint - in a race to the fucking bottom, everyone loses.  Except for those who run the show.

Or you could live in Canada where I don’t know when the last time they didn’t have a mobile pay machine with the chip technology and you fill out the tip on the machine.

I bet if they called themselves an NBA team & threatened to move to Seattle they’d get what they want.

I don’t know why and have no facts to back this up, but deep down I believe the Raiders organization itself leaked the SF announcement as they thought that would put pressure on the 49s to allow for them to temporally play on that arena.

Im sorry Gabe but all value is subjective. Meaning there is no objective standard of what something is worth. Machado and Harper are not “worth” any particular salary. Yes, in the past, players similar to them (or even worse than them) got big ling term deals. That’s is no guarantee of future deals and not proof that

Perfect metaphor for America right now. Nobody but a fucking asshole wants the president we have, and nobody but a fucking asshole wants to see this team in another Super Bowl. Just one more thing to endure.

I am all the way for advocacy for minorities and underrepresented groups, but bringing it up here seems bogus. Surely there are, have been, and will be successful black coaches. I don't think the fact that Bowles, Wilks, and Joseph are shitty coaches is in any way relevant to the discussion of hiring practices.


Let us never forget this story from Quincy Jones: