
Star Wars is dead. Long live George Lucas!!

This is the only way you’ll ever get me to click on a link to an “ESports” article.

Is she still young and very attractive? Yes? Then she’ll continue to do what ever the fuck she wants.

Let’s not blow this up to skill. He got lucky with this move.


When did things flip where the news programs started chasing politicians to be on their shows? It seems like it should be the reverse. Politicians NEED the exposure of TV. Why not refuse to give them airtime if they don’t play ball?

Their guitars have been on a sharp decline since the mid-2000's and blame is laid right at the feet of CEO Henry Juszkiewicz. He royally fucked up the company by trying to produce the guitars more cheaply in order to squeeze more profits from the company.

You all just can’t help yourselves can you? Is it that hard to ignore people like this? I mean, isn’t it obvious now that asshats like this will put on their faux outrage hats that generate those precious clicks and page views? Maybe let’s stop giving them attention for a day or two and just focus on how fun the movie

So does this mean I can go back to saying fag? Because you know.....according to you it’s impossible for phrases and words to change from their original meaning.

So? Why shouldn’t he?

Haha!! uBlock Origin to the rescue!

Fucking christ! Please stop with the autoplay videos.

Sounds to me like another made up narrative to generate clicks. I’m not buying this idea that the Cloverfield announcement hurt Altered Carbon either. But I guess from the perspective of someone who thinks that relevancy comes from the amount of articles generated on entertainment blogs, this would be true.

I did some curling while on a trip to Vancouver.....because when in Rome. That shit is hard as fuck. It’s an insanely hard workout with the scrubbing and the balancing on ice. I gained a ton of respect for these athletes.

I’m with the owners here. Agents misjudged the market and now the players are paying for it.

Kerbal Space Program has spoiled me on these videos. All I wanted to do was rotate the camera around to see how cool this looked.

I’ll do this as soon as the Gizmodo sites turn off their autoplay videos.


The prequels were fine and I freely admit that to anyone’s face.

I never really cared for Fuller personally but I always trusted the opinion of friends who fawned over the guy. But now I’ve firmly come down in the camp that this guy is a dick and not to be trusted with a show. This is two shows now that he’s dicked over due to him throwing a fit because he couldn’t get his own way.