
I’m not debating about the definition of a straw man. At this point you’re arguing just to argue. The point is that defending Franken is NOT the same as defending Moore whatever the rhetoric.

Do you know how many definitions the straw man fallacy has? But what all of them share is the intent to mischaracterize your opponent’s stance by framing it with a far more unpopular stance. This is exactly what you were doing by comparing me to “Moore sympathizers” to make my defense of Franken worse by comparison.

This falls within the definition.

No, telling me that “You sound like a Moore apologist” IS the strawman. You are trying to associate my argument with that of someone less than respectful as a way of invalidating it.

Yeah, that’s not what I said. My argument is that you can’t look at this in black & white terms. Every accusation isn’t equal. You however do seem to want to look at the world as black & white and do consider each accusation equally. THAT’s our differing opinion. I have personal experience with this and it’s always


You’re free to have whatever opinion you like on this. Me? I hold a different opinion.

Kind of growing tired of this straw man BS.

The timing is obvious. That still doesn’t take away anything from the accusers. Putting myself in their shoes, if I knew that saying this would shine a light on who he is at a critical time, then you do it around an election. Also, Alabama being Alabama, if she accused him in a non-election cycle it most likely gets

See now when you selectively start choosing what is relevant and what isn’t that’s when you lose me. ALL of the facts are relevant. Before you start throwing around the word bias, you might want to look in a mirror first.

I have a secret for you. I’m a rational human being who thinks critically. When the Moore accuser came out I was skeptical. Not completely skeptical, but I did ask myself “why did she wait so long to come forward”. He was elected as a judge in Alabama. Why not come forward during those elections?

Do you honestly believe that picture is of Franken right before he was about to grab her breasts? Like “Oh shit I’m caught!”. Or is it more likely he was joking around and never actually touched her?

Thank Odin!

Good, want my name and address too?

I don’t think he did anything terribly wrong frankly. I’m curious as to why his accuser decided to air this at this time of all times. Especially considering that they appeared to have met several other times prior and remained friendly.

For the record, I’ve never thought or said this. I never thought what he “did” was worthy of national attention nor is it some damning evidence of his moral character.

As much as I wish it were true. It’s not.

Dangerous ground indeed when you decide to absolutely trust an accusers motives despite evidence that maybe you should dig deeper. FYI, asking questions isn’t akin to saying she’s a liar.

Where are those Last Week Tonight clips of morning show hosts flirting with Rose? I feel those are relevant somehow.