
I think it’s also important to remember that 1) this goes both ways. Guys crotches can smell like ass too. And 2) Smelling “bad” isn’t a diss on you. Pheromones play a big role in this. A woman can smell unpleasant to one man, but smell like roses to another (also the flip side with men). I think the important lesson

It should matter a great deal. No one was hurt at all in this. Frankly (no pun) if she really just wanted him to apologize to her she should have contacted him directly.....years ago! Mr. Franken isn’t some rapist that she has to be afraid to confront.

First time I’ve ever heard of him.

Lasting change has never come overnight. Lasting change is like erosion. Persistence over generations can bring down mountains. If you fall into the fallacy that you can change, overnight, something as ingrained in the human psyche as sexism, then you are fated to fail.

I was never planning on buying this game. Not because of the recent controversy, but because I just wasn’t interested. But the hissy fit that these gamerboys are throwing has changed my mind.  I’m buying this game and I’m gonna enjoy the fuck out of it.

2017, the year empathy died.

I’m waiting for the update that he’s been fired.

So some clarification. Are you saying that exposing oneself to another person is now considered sexual assault?

Who cares?

Hey right back at you asshole.

To you. You seem to have a different standard than others as to what constitutes remorse.

Not to me.

I tend not to ostracize people I care about. I ask them if they need help and then provide it should they say yes. I also don’t label them predators if they show remorse.


Then you have no story.

No they didn’t. They had reports but no verified facts. They tried but couldn’t get anyone on the record. Journalists don’t run stories based on rumors and unverified facts. Tabloids do that. Want to release the story? Dig deeper.

Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat

Who cares? Point is that the NYT did it’s research and got it’s facts straight before running the story.