
honestly don’t know what’s going on there, just glad it’s happening :)

I know! It makes me furious that they could screw up such established scientific principles like photon torpedoes or the Force.

Troll, sarkasm, ignorant or Apple hater? It’s really hard to tell these apart on the internet...

I still say Bruce is being influenced by an unknown entity. No way he would be having the visions of the Omega symbol and Parademons unless his mind is being manipulated. I suspect our end credit will have a cameo from Desaad and Darkseid.

On Earth-2 Barry isn’t the Flash, so why do we get a tease of Justice League/Society/Superfriends phone numbers?

I really thought the title read plot and I was trying to figure out why the producers were being so hard on the bad plot choices they’ve made.

I literally agree with everything you said. Well, not one thing. I think Pa Kent said what he said out of frustration and fear. I don’t think he REALLY wanted Clark to let those kids die, he was just afraid of Clark being exposed and said the first thing that popped in his head. If I recall correctly he says, “I don’t

You mean the 75 years of character history where he has actually killed people before, which includes Zod from a parallel Earth (Superman #22)?

Its a rake

A fork?

If we start reasoning like this, why not change the title to:

We get it dude, hang the black guy. You can be quiet now.

This would be easier to buy had we not already had this “Wolf!” screamed so many times, only to be followed by a quarter in which iPhone sales increased.

Same bullshit info came out last year and the year before in the January quarter.

That kind of selective reporting is a serious issue these days.
Because Apple reduces production in one factory/country (which, btw, just saw its stock market crash) doesn’t mean that it won’t ramp up production in another factory.

Apple certainly hits the profit margins better than any other competitor, and has the

actually, the nearest neighbor galaxie is just down the street. sadly it is a rusted out '74 with the i6...

You should really try using a credible source for your allegations, rather than the repeatedly debunked Guardian. The Graun is famous for being consistently wrong on such matters.

Well, technically, Peter Hooten did it first. :)

Nope i'm fucking sick of the haters on these movies and I completely blame IO9 for this bullshit. The movies weren't great but they are very good compared to old Star Trek movies (and that's coming from someone who still likes TMP) and yet the reviews IO9 gave them basically gave all the ammo assholes needed to
