
It has been said before, but I’ll say it again since you keep trying to call this a comedy. It isn’t really a comedy. It is more like fan-fic with dick jokes.

I’m fascinated by the positive response this show gets. It’s an interesting vanity project, but the characters aren’t interesting and none of the actors seem to have been hired to play it so straight.

You really are just a petulant and horrible person. I want you to know this.

I just think of them being in the 3rd timeline.

Worth it. You won’t be able to build a spec to spec computer for cheaper.

it’s a workstation crammed into a monitor so what do you expect?

“...and 45 minutes of nothing happening...” 

Well, maybe the second one based on your taste, but you cannot sit there and tell me that this is legitimately Prime timeline and set ten years before Kirk and not expect me to call you crazy.

It can’t be Prime timeline. Prime timeline wasn’t that advanced ten years prior to Kirk.

It’s gotta be Kelvin timeline. There’s no other explanation that fits.

“It controls our emails through Gmail, knows where we go through Maps, has a list of every person we communicate with via Android, and understands our every interest thanks to its search engine and Chrome...”

I hate that even though I have Amazon Prime I am still going to have to torrent this, but if you are going to Captialize I am going to Grey Market it.

Hey, remember when this was the fun CW show? Like, how much of an impact does death even have anymore — either the person is just another body on the pile, or they’re going to come back.

On a related note: I’m wondering if anyone who is rushing to condemn Clinton’s corruption actually read the article presented here. Because even the FBI points out that there wasn’t an actual “quid pro quo”.

I’m not completely sure if Gizmodo has always been this way, or if the closure of Gawker led to some kind of mass influx of idiots, but I continue to be stunned by the number of people in the comments section here that have Clinton Derangement Syndrome and/or advocate that Trump is a better option than she is.

Well, in all fairness, he was not “ripping off” the end of Wrath of Khan. In Abrams mind, and his writers, they deliberately went with the idea that events in the new universe would mirror the old to an extent. So his choice was intentional. It came across ham fisted and lame, but it was intentional none the less.

Not a self executing virus.

Still secure. It’s up the operator to screw up and give the malware permission to download and install

There is a lot of good things you can hear about Gotham, just not on io9. Io9 hates Gotham for some reason. I get it - it is insane, but it is also extremely fun to watch and I believe everyone - but io9 writers - understand that it takes place in alternative universe where everything happens a bit earlier, before