
You can only say the iPhone 7 is the same as the 6s if you ignore the fact that everything but the shape changed.

This is an “s” year year for iPhones, so the new model for this fall will be the 7s, not the 8. That means any hardware updates will either be incremental such as faster chipsets, memory upgrades, camera resolution, etc., or they won’t require major retooling. Rumors that require Apple to modify their established

Dick Grayson? Looks more like Carrie Kelley in all the trailers I’ve seen.

Can you share with us the link where Apple posted their Apple Watch sales numbers? Thanks.

Personally, I’d call a show like that Challengers of the Unknown.

Loss of higher brain function is just one of the symptoms of the prion disease that is CDS.

Io9, and giz, have topics that are guaranteed click bait. Posting about Abrams, Snyder, Apple, or in this case Gotham, is a lazy way to rile the haters and pull some quick ad revenue.

I’d recommend you get your house checked for CO2 poisoning. Poor comprehension skills and memory loss can be permanent.

I’m felt like the Dark Tower series should have been a trilogy as I approached the final book. When I finished the final book I was disappointed by the ending and wasn’t interested in the various movie rumors over the years. The casting of Elba is about the only thing that has me curious about the movie. He gives me

Most people who have seen STiD do like it, hence the very positive Rotten Tomatoes score. There is however a very vocal minority who are competing to win the Bitterest Person on the Internet Award and will jump into any ST thread on io9 to spew hate. Peace be unto them.

Careful, there! A seasoned commenter should realize that facts don’t matter when kneejerk hate-targets like Snyder, Affleck, Abrams, etc. come into the crosshairs. It’s fire, aim, repeat every time.

It’s yet another example of Giz’s Apple-based clickbait, only she went for a double word score by invoking Chopra out of bankruptcy inspired desperation.

You’re asking if someone who writes for this blog can identify the tool that is the subject of their post? I think you’ve raised the bar just a bit too high for this establishment.

You know the rules: until you join in the group-think on this movie the ragers will continue to fling poo in your direction.

There was a post-Crisis storyline where Clark’s powers were transferred into Bruce, and Super-Bats went nuts trying to save all the kitties and stop all the gangsters and rescue all the mudslide victims without a taking a break. Clark flat out told him that’s he’s learned to live with the tradeoffs, that since he

I was so done with Legends of Tomorrow after the dumpster fire of a freshman year, then John Wesley Shipp makes a comment like that. Dammitall Siri, reset the DVR.

Not sure what you’re referring to. There was only ever one season of Torchwood.

Surf Troopers must die!

Bzzt. Wrong. Thanks for playing. Maybe when you’re done with her phone mommy will give you ice cream.