
They do have a long history, considering that there has been two iDevice charger plugs since 2001. So many in 15 years; such a burden on the consumer.

It’s the new io9 where no “true” genre fan likes anything genre related.

It’s the new io9 where no “true” genre fan likes anything genre related.

Or just drop him in the Sun. Even if he heals - somehow - he’s on the Sun. There are so many ways to deal with an immortal when you have a time/space ship.

At the point Google is no longer able to track you online your status is re-classified to “non-conformist, potential independent thinker.” Is that sort of attention really what you want for you and your family?

Au contraire - Gotham is a blast to watch. Witnessing the insanity of Gotham City during his teenage years provides the only plausible explanation for Bruce losing his grip on reality and deciding to become a Furry to fight crime. The show’s premise of “it takes one to know one” is perfect - you can watch Bruce’s

About $500.

Can you show me on this doll where Smallville touched you?

Reality doesn’t support your comment. Apple is under fire, but for paying what they legally owe for taxes, which is seen by critics both in the US and the EU- as I mentioned - as being too low. Every critic wants Apple to pay local taxes on worldwide profits, not just on local profits. The EU committee charged with

Short answer: no. Long answer: no, what Apple has done is leave the profits earned overseas in overseas banks, and the profits earned domestically in domestic banks. Apple pays all the taxes they owe on profits to the government where the profits were earned, both in the US and overseas.

“The reboot franchise is NOT Star Trek. It’s generic action-scifi with a Star Trek skin slathered on it.”

I’ll be there opening day. Let the haters hate - they wouldn’t like any modern Trek film even if Nimoy flew back from Heaven to bless it.

Adapted right, it will no longer be WoT.

Humans. Comic book Batman and Superman try to avoid directly killing humans. Aliens, mutants, robots (including AIs), supernatural beings & deities, animal-people chimera... all fair game, exterminated without a backward glance to serve the greater good.

It’s not even the worst quarter in one year.

Apple hate doesn’t just blind people, it also impairs analytical skills.

He spent months trying to pair it with his Samsung phone. That right there should tell you all you need to know.

Rey is a Skywalker. That explains the visions, the saber calling to her, the immediate blossoming of her Force powers, her being hidden away on a desert planet, etc.

Bricken hates everything genre related. This is his normal clickbait shtick, feeding the nerd rage.

Too many commenters get enraged when they discover people simply enjoying something like a genre movie or TV show for themselves. These commenters possess no positive emotions, and despise others for having them.

You’d best start believing in click-bait Giz posts, sumocat - you’re in one!