
Have they? Its mostly known for Left4Dead, then Evolve with their “Buy our Seasons Pass - DLCs not included” way and now again with Left4Dead...well...under another name, but its more or less Left4Dead.

As long as it further separates the gap between losses versus gains, they’ll all be for it. Everything has to be about profit, even if one has to scorch the earth to get it. Do not trust the greed of the powerful.

I always feel reeeeeeally iffy about Chinese tech stuff, which makes me sound horribly xenophobic, I know. I honestly grapple with the moral grey area at play:

the Ubisoft co-founder said the backlash to the Quartz announcement was expected, and likened it to initial public outcry over previous new developments in the games industry like DLC, microtransactions, and loot boxes.

I think that’s more or less it, yeah: video games may ‘weaken the moral fibre’ of the people who play them, so the PRC doesn’t want to encourage their usage within China... but they don’t give a damn about the ‘moral fibre’ of Americans (or Brits, or Brazilians, or Thais, or anyone else), so they’re perfectly happy

I would love if the judge said something along the lines of “Didn’t you bury the 2006 game Prey when you named your 2017 game Prey?” Even though they own the name, egh.

Yes but then the system wouldn’t be rigged in favor of the biggest corporations

I must admit that my excitement for this has definitely waned due to the long wait (during which I, too kinda forgot about it), and its arrival right now is not ideal as I’m chewing through other things, but none of that’s their fault—I backed it ages ago so I am looking forward to trying it out.

There really needs to be a better way to handle these trademark/copyright disputes. For example, before Bethesda can legally threaten someone over potential copyright infringement, they should first have to prove to a judge that the “infringing” material is in fact an infringement. In this particular case, Bethesda

Been waiting for this for a long time, so I’m pretty excited. My understanding from the whole fiasco with It Takes Two is that pursuing trademark infringement litigation isn’t necessary if there’s not going to be any confusion over the product’s ownership ( see #3 on

I read something about there being a “10 year plan” with infinite. (Shudders in Destiny). I wonder if this campaign structure you described is to allow for an almost live-service environment, adding more of these dungeon missions in a Destiny-like manner

No one actually disagrees that doxxing, death threats, violent language, etc are bad. The proper response to that kind of behavior on a Reddit is banning and no discussion of what they said. The actual discussion is about people who are VERY angry and perhaps even MEAN, but not like... you know insane or breaking any

I feel like this free multiplayer is just the next be scam especially on big games that will sell regardless not to mention gamepass free.

them putting it out “free” to make more money off people that would have had the game regardless if it was sold as a total package so they have an excuse to monetize the crap out

The answer to your question is that it’s possible to like and dislike different aspects of the same thing. You could very easily find the gameplay of Halo Infinite to be your favorite game AND find the battle pass to be the worst in any game you’ve ever played. Why are you trying to dumb down discussion as if people

All the other Halos launched at full market price at $50 or $60, containing both a campaign and a multiplayer mode. This one will launch at full market price ($60) ONLY containing a campaign, while the multiplayer is “free”. This is essentially sleight of hand, and trying to use it to deflect criticism would be deeply

I don’t condone any developer threats whatsoever, but when I went to r/Halo last week, it was mostly constructive criticism with videos clearly explaining issues and cordial dialogue being upvoted. Nothing remotely representing this extreme behaviour. I don’t think it’s fair to criticize people for “complaining” about

nah fuck you. Harass until they stop being greedy fucks. You can just slap a new value on ‘match played’ to make growth better. This is about Money and nothing else. 

I don’t like anything about the systems and charging me 10 dollars for the color blue is really annoying. Unlocking Emile’s armor and then realizing you don’t unlock ALL of it and have to spend 10 dollars to get the shoulder piece is really annoying.

Me reading the sub-headline: “Whoa, there were that many devs working on the game, & they were each individually threatened!?”
Me reading the article: “Oh, 343 is just the name of the studio.”

technically no. The game releases on the 8th. Everything before then is a multiplayer beta.

I say technically because the term Beta is all but meaningless anymore, especially in this context, where yeah, the multiplayer was released in it’s finished state; but giving them the benefit of the doubt, they have made a few