
Not to mention this horseshit: “The ESA states that consumer repair would lead to “significant potential for security and piracy risks,”” as if that mattered for anything other than their consoles, all of which get cracked soon enough anyway.

And? When you want a well cooked steak, will a frozen Salisbury Steak TV dinner be good enough for you?  Or will you go for what you want?  Just because “the internet has porn”, doesn’t mean it’s the right kind of porn at that moment.

It’s pg-13ish porn that gets through safesearch filters and is at least potentially explainable to mom if you get caught.

Having had pretty extensive exposure to MSFT in my career (working with them, working with their tech, and even working directly for them), I will believe this when I see it.

Shit, now I'm horny AND have Cry of the Blackbirds stuck in my head.

BUt sHe DoeSN’t Do PoRn SHe iS JusT SuPer FunNy anD reLatabBLe

Every goddamn time.

I scroll too fast and think Amouranth articles are about the band Amon Amarth and click out of curiosity, only to be disappointed by an article about an attractive redhead. 

Not sure where you saw any penetration or actual sex acts, so idk where you saw “porn” but okay?”

I mean, softcore porn has neither penetration nor actual sex acts, so idk where you got that from but okay?

She’s a camgirl that kids can explain to their parents that they’re just buying Twitch subscriptions, not Onylfans or whatever actual porn she might do.

Wearing almost no clothing while humping blowup animals in hot tubs and licking a fake “ear” which, if you close your eyes, sounds exactly like a blowjob, is basically porn. Call it what you want, but the thousands of dudes watching her stream are watching it to get a nut off. They know it and she knows it.

To be fair, she accused a gym who kicked her out for streaming inside it of discriminating against her for being white and that she would have been allowed to film people without their permission if she was a “wealthy Saudi prince.”...

No shit. It’s like the perfect clickbait. Controversial topic that they can plaster a picture of an attractive woman on. It’s still trash tabloid-quality content.

She’s spent the last couple years slowly transitioning from “Sexy Cosplayer who keeps it PG-13" to “Yeah, this is pretty much porn”. I’m not sure why anyone’s surprised.

So person infamous for seemingly trying to get banned deliberately and has been banned multiple times before gets banned again?

Does this mean you can stop spamming us with articles about her? I don’t care about twitch and I care even less about particular streamers on twitch. I'm here for video game shit

the fact that I can’t get replacement parts for the controllers is annoying as hell. (my pubg controller had a crack in the internal shell near one of the bumbers which makes the bumper super finicky with the contact and I cannot find oem replacement parts anywhere.

This kind of thing is really needed. Imagine if this were available during the 360 Era with all the RROD consoles.

Are MCU, (Disney) Star Wars, FastFurious, and Michael Bay movies not close enough to 99% of movie earnings to call it the same?

I think this applies to quite a few games.

I would have enjoyed Bioshock so much more if it had been an adventure game.