
I believe the issue is in the cynical use of MCU-like photorealistic visuals and team makeup to appeal to casuals while also making reference to deep cut comic lore to appeal to diehards. In trying to make money off everyone, the end result is off-putting.

They did? The writers I see credited are: Shaun Escayg, John Stafford, Marek Walton, Hannah MacLeod, Nicole Martinez, Keano Raubun.

Thank you, I got this because a friend bought it and we account share, but still I recommended he get it after I saw stuff on Kotaku and everywhere saying that the single player was so good!!! ...but it wasn’t. It was ehh and a little slapped together, also very disconnected because they shoe-horned in the multiplayer

Congrats. You’re the first person to understand why I may not like this game.

And yes, I understand that not every comic is canon to E-616 - but what timeline is this? It’s own? Then why are they clearly going for an MCU vibe while also making callbacks to comics from 40 years ago *while not explicitly accurate to

I hate games like this. Where it’s a comic book property that references things from comic book lore over the last 40 years... but is too scared to just BE a comic book game. Instead, trying to be a story set in what seems like the MCU... except having no rights to the likenesses of the actors, and no greenlight to

You don’t get it. There is absolutely no problem with doing something fun like adding Link to the Cube version of Soul Calibur, and Heihachi to the PS2 version, because

Eh, I’ve never been all that jazzed by any of it. I’ve been waiting to play a solid Hulk since Ultimate Destruction, so I wanted to be all in. But the shit I’m seeing is standard “$60 is the base game” loot box stuff, on top of all the bland, so I’m just not a fan.

Wow, did you really just create this account for the sake of damage control? Nice.

everyboyd expects the game to suck, and everybody’s pissed they’re going to miss out content on a bad game they’re ont going to play.

Not to mention the biggest initial turn off for me: the aesthetic look. It should have been more cartoonish. They’re clearly going for the MCU look, but that means when I see Thor, for example, I expect Chris Hemsworth. Not seeing him, or hearing RDJ as Iron Man, gives me strong uncanny valley vibes.

The boring, repetitive gameplay had me wary enough to wait for the game to go on sale.

When that represents 1/7 of the playable launch roster, that’s a huge issue also.

Those can both be problems.

Both things suck

I loved it, and I agree with everything in your review, except the length of time. I have 5 hours (far from double digits), according to steam and I’ve 100%’d it already, including all additional containment chambers. Even so I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the experience.
That said, I’m hopeful that this game

Rocket League will also launch on the Epic Games Store when that update arrives, and will no longer be available to download from Steam.

I’m the opposite. I have a huge back log but I’m happy to spend hundreds of hours on a single game, which means I get through like 2 games a year. Its so easy to just get back into a game you got used to and not have to learn new controls and adjust to different play mechanics and whatever.

Man, Bunny sure does have a strange threshold for what’s considered letting the world know about. The entire exchange read like an awkward and intrusive questionnaire triggered by an equally awkward comment, but it was hardly anything newsworthy.

And his conversation was inappropriate... how exactly? It’s not like he sent a dick pic or even solicited nudes from her. This is called flirting, people. If it makes you uncomfortable, then stop talking to other people.

“He finds a hacker who can give him a citizen’s identity, but her hacking tool was stolen by a bird. The bird can be lured with food, but the food is in the back of a truck guarded by a flock of angry birds (no relation). To scare the birds away he must-.”