
This apology was definitely NOT a standard PR move. Reading it I was shocked by how not-standard it is. PR move is “don’t admit to doing anything illegal or immoral, blanket denial and /or apologize vaguely to anyone who feels like you hurt/offended/pressured/assaulted them (putting the onus on them for interpreting

You’re... kinda reading a lot into it with not even a hint that any of it is true, there.

Is an extramarital affair (or even a string of) with consenting adults “sexual misconduct” now? Or did I miss something?

So much for his stealth run.

Considering they sell x100-1000+ more games than ever before...they should actually be lowering prices considering the profits for any successful studio.

And that doesn’t get into their whole “hire a bunch of people...and then fire everyone as a thank you for making a multi-million selling masterpiece so that

That, and they just want more money.

If games were 20 x cheaper to make, they’d still be pumping out that DLC, and they sure as hell wouldn’t lower their prices. Not your EAs, Activisions, and the like, anyways.

Alan Moore never hated or despised Rorschach.

Hoping this is a joke. Author is Alan Moore, perhaps our living greatest writer.

The idea that Alan Moore was surprised by Rorshach’s popularity speaks to an uncharacteristic level of optimism from the guy. Bless him for thinking people wouldn’t be drawn to an vigilante maniac.

You know that it is perfectly fine to breathe through a mask and it will help people not die.

Came here to make sure you had the ding ding picture. You did a good job.

I totally support things that truly offend people for good reason — confederate memorials from the early 20th century erected by white legislators as a form of social intimidation? Clearly a bad idea.

I think part of the reason people defend usage of words that aren’t specifically racial/racist/offensive is that they don’t want the worst people from both ends of the spectrum (both the biggest racist assholes and the most over-the-top ridiculously sensitive) to be able to set the agenda or claim ownership. It’s

Terms can develop new meanings, lose old ones, or change in a million other ways. Just that fact that you have to inform people of the old meaning shows that the older meaning is no longer relevant to most people in day to day conversation. There was an older meaning (probably more than one), then your meaning, now

Agreed that this is stupid and unnecessary. It’s as if they were trying to find controversial things where they don’t exist so they can very publicly fix them and show how sensitive they are. 

I can agree with some of the justifications but whitelist/blacklist I will never understand. I have yet to see a valid argument since the term is not by nature racist or specifically pointing out the racism in America. I just had a discussion with my wife on how when using these terms in tech it has been more of an

None of this is race related. It’s all made up by soft people with no spine, a victim complex (Karens), and are attention seeking. Call it husband/ wife. Who cares? No one with working brains. 

White and black hat goes back to old (lemme be retard) non-rainbowized (is that gonna be homophobic to say, retards?) cowboy movies. It’s how they told good and bad guys in silent movies. Is “silent” okay to say? Hope that don’t offend anybody.
It’s mostly derived from psychology as we associate a fear of darkness and

There are indeed, exclusives to various game store platforms on PC. Thats like saying there are no movies exclusive to Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, etc, because you can use on those services/platforms on a PC.

I dont want to give money to EGS (and many other gamers dont want to either). So the game is unavailable until