
You know what bothers me even more about the game and the way the force is used? It’s a damn jumping game. Like precise jumps at specific times at exact angles or, guess what, you’re dead Geordi. Or you can force pull a rope, but not that other rope. Or you can climb a sheer rock cliff 50 stories high, but you can’t

With the advent of Kickstarter and streaming services I think this decade has been a gold mine for games/movies/shows/albums that are made for the fans and nobody else.

Wait, you subscribe and STILL pay for the games?

Yeah all those points are spot on. I don’t expect the system to always be perfect. That’s just not reasonable. And I’m sure the technical hurdles are more complicated then I realize.

Who is right? Who gives a shit?

Yeah and thats fine. I would call that balanced. But this article suggests that it should be more like "the dad build should be able to go toe to toe with others" and i disagree.

Yeah exactly. See with destiny 2, they try to make shit as 50-50 as possible. The dude who uses a gun that basically is “make sure there’s an enemy on screen then pull trigger” has just as much a chance to kill the guy using the “3 headshots and they’re dead” gun. Destiny 2 has all this stuff to introduce randomness

There are pitfalls, though. Smurf accounts will end up getting created and high-skill tossers will go seal-clubbing anyway. Then there’s the population issue where, if it can’t find matches within the criteria, it will start loosening up and, if it pop gets really low, it will just stop trying to do anything other

“Giving a chance” doesn’t really mean “holds its own” in my eyes. Giving a chance means like 10-90. Yeah you’ll win every once in while but the human aimbot should basically rinse you. Where holding its own is like maybe not quite 50-50. 40-60 I'll say.

See that’s the thing. That comes down to the definition of the “dad build”. So in destiny, the dad build is generally guns that don’t need to be aimed super well, or don’t need to really move super well, like just hang back and let the bullets fly and eventually it’ll kill the others.

Bad players really shouldn’t beat good players on average. You can always get surprised or whatever, but if you are getting beat on a regular basis you are either, A, not as good as you think or, B, there is a game balance problem and you should just switch to the more effective gear until the balance is fixed. If

So you think a weapon that doesn’t need to be aimed more carefully then “the enemy is somewhere on the screen” should be equally matched against a gun that needs consistent headshots?

Yelling at me to “get gud” makes about as much sense as me yelling at my 6 month old for crying when he’s shit his diaper.

No like, pve that’s totally fine. I agree agree there comes a point where grinding for a week to get 5% better dps seem like kind of a waste. My whole angle is purely with competitive multiplayer and allowing bad players to beat really good players in pvp

Oh absolutely. When there's perks that literally make the headshot hitbox larger to make sniping easier, all hope of it being competitive get thrown out the window. But then i don't think there should be that competitive playlist with the skill rank then. It's like, you wanna be competitive or casual? Pick one,

If it’s a PvP game, there is no place for dad builds or the mentality in favor of them. That’s how PvP games die; all the people who would care enough to put the effort in quit because there’s no reason to do so when you can cheese your way to success and then the flotsam doing the cheesing quit when the cheese gets

Because maybe those of us with careers, wives, mortgages, children, etc. would still like to have fun playing a video game every once and a while, without having to commit to an extensive training regiment.

all I’m hearing in my replies are whiny dads who want to get to max skill rank in a competitive game while still only playing 2 hours a week and just don't care to get better at something but want all the rewards of it anyway

I like how because I prefer a competitive game to be actually competitive i must be a basement-dweller and not just as “gainfully employed.”

I’m not offended. If a game wants a casual multiplayer option awesome. I think of something like battlefront or even battlefield. But as soon as you try to come off as a super competitive game with a skill rating, then the game better damn well be skill based. Destiny 2 has that competitive rating playlist, so a build