
Its pretty fucking dumb because the actual gaming subreddit that matters is /r/gaming (with 21.5 million subs) and not /r/games (with 1.6 million subs).

Wish you guys would ask them why the Super Duper Graphics thing vanished, as has support for custom skins that they have refused to talk about since saying they are “Coming Soon” almost a year ago:

A new console doesnt and essentially never has cost $700.

Corporations want this.  Or at least they think they do, which is the same thing when you have billions of dollars.

I feel like they could have spent a day doing market research to realize that nobody wants this. Especially not from Google with their unreliable history.

I did think about this as I reread my comment,  my backlog could sustain multiple lifetimes.  

You say “replaying”, but there’s been enough games made in the past few decades to last multiple lifetimes.

I honestly don’t care if Stadia becomes the next big thing,  kills consoles,  and everyone has to play laggy games forever.  Why?  Because I’m officially declaring myself an old man,  and this is where I’m done.  I now plan to live out the rest of my life replaying the great games from the before time as I shake my

I actually like the library interface... Simple, compact, and not filled with “HEY YOU SHOULD TRY THIS!!!!1 *throws icons everywhere*” bullcrap.

And before that there was Majora’s Mask where you witnessed the end of the world over and over until you could actually make a difference. Before that, Amnesia boy waking up to a doomed Ganon-owned world.

The irony is, for all its detractors, TP’s art style was just an update of OOT/MM's. Those never got any complaints.

I mean honestly, I’m just using someone else’s terminology here: in this context, “guilty pleasure” means looking at a bunch of options in front of you and willfully choosing the one that is objectively worse, but for personal reasons. So for example let’s say you have a bunch of cars and one is well-made and has a

Black Panther was socially relevant, but total goofball comicbook schlock. Truly good my ass. 

I almost feel like I need to just link the comment I made on the “holy grail of trash” article, but...look. You guys are kind of missing the point of the whole debate. It’s not that we feel bad because you’re calling something we like low-brow and you have to reassure us that you mean it in a good way, it’s that we

Conversely, people, fans, should also learn that liking isn’t evidence that it’s good in critical conversations. What you don’t need to feel guilty over you also don’t have to stan against all comers.

I think because (1) murder is often considered “OK” if it’s incidental to something else, like fighting a battle or driving a car* and (2) lots of people have vague murder fantasies so that’s considered “normal.

Yes. Perspectives that are shared amongst a wide group of people are called mores, which is what I am describing here.


Because American culture is rooted in abusive Puritan ideals. Sex is forbidden and vile, while violence is the tool of the strong to assert dominance.  We’re all inculcated with that idea from birth.