
The lag can be infuriating, but I still prefer Destiny’s PVP over most other FPS games. It helps that I have some great rolls on my guns, but I also just prefer Bungie’s formula for FPS games over the CoDs and BFs (on consoles anyway) of the world. Not having good rolls and lagging can both ruin the game.

It sounds like you’re complaining about lag more than the actual game. Yeah, the lag is brutal at times but when all is going smoothly (which is about 95% of the time for me), Destiny PvP is crazy fun.

So... you think Destiny 2 will make you a better player?

You mean the one in an image caption and not in the actual body of the text? Had to read it five times before I saw it.

You mean the one in an image caption and not in the actual body of the text? Had to read it five times before I saw

I love everything about this picture.

First you have to get past the ropes.

Good... Now... Enhance....

To be fair, though, you and your family pretty much suck.

I’m a family friend of the late Neil Reed, and had the opportunity to go see him play for Knight at Indiana a couple of times. This allowed me to meet with the team and the entire coaching staff, including Bobby Knight.

Or you a child of the devil, and should be beaten into submission, or drowned—based on proximity to lake.

Players in the locker room are learning about it 

Better than the Falcons and their brief slogan “Weak Dogs Get Drowned”.

Now playing

hey tim can you remember to include BS like this in your write ups? thanks man.

This was amazingly immature- which is why I gave it a star.

There was quite a few gameplay shots in that trailer. Also, it’s Rockstar. Have you not seen their other games? If they game looks just like the last Red Dead, than it’s already looking amazing. This is the next step up.

You went to elementary school with Donald Trump? And he bullied you? Holy shit, that’s a great story.

Wait, there’s only one Chicago? I thought the teams were from two different states with cities named Chicago. Like Springfield or Greenville or Washington. I’m so confused.

Well, I think it can go beyond “what a cute baby!” (I don’t have kids, none of my friends have kids more than a couple of years old) - when I was in the 8-14 range, I definitely heard adults remarking that someone was likely to grow up to be very attractive. “S/he’ll be a real heartbreaker,” etc.

I was thinking, based on his comments, he looks more like a guy explaining to Chris Hansen that the wine coolers and condoms in his grocery bag were purely coincidental and he was only there because his daughters friend “needed someone to talk to”

“I don’t immediately jump to molesting her. I wait 10 years. But so we’re clear, I’ve called dibs on that.”