Dude, it is “lulz”. We all do what we do for the lulz.
Dude, it is “lulz”. We all do what we do for the lulz.
You really weren’t being clear at all though. You’re saying that ideally officials shouldn’t be corrupt, but since “the city” is putting public funds towards it, “they” should get free tickets.
That’s a very Trump response.
“Well done Ubisoft! Now to find a way to balance FFXV and WD2 on a college student with a job schedule.”
Ah, you beat me to it.
Jeez I don’t think I would even enjoy beating myself off that much. I’ve never measured beating off by the pound but I’m pretty sure I would be sore.
Guessing you don’t have an iPhone?
Oh I know. I know you know. I also know that he will never know.
Oh I know. I know you know. I also know that he will never know.
You’re trying to reason with someone who immediately uninstalls a game when they couldn’t find the next checkpoint.
You’re trying to reason with someone who immediately uninstalls a game when they couldn’t find the next checkpoint.
This is Kinja Deals, not Kotaku. I got here from a Deadspin crosspost.
This is Kinja Deals, not Kotaku. I got here from a Deadspin crosspost.
He’s tried:
None of that pasteurized shit either. Straight from the source.
I’m assuming most people just swap that out for weed.
I’ll watch for myself later but I’m assuming the southern gent is an anti Semite
That’s a really stupid suggestion because the posts are extremely popular. If you reaally don’t like the posts, try not ignoring them and not adding to view count.
Same here. I tuned in about a month ago expecting to rage listen but all he did was rant about how crazy Trump is. It felt weird.
This is true. Probably the main reason I prefer an equal rolled Palindrome is because of it’s perfect vertical recoil. I was never as consistent with the luna’s diagonal recoil. But I know a lot of ppl so used to the Luna they instictly pull shots with the Drome to the left.
His heart was in the right place.
This guy doesn’t fuck.
There is a video of a bills fan tossing salad, but I found this one first: