
“You had me at ass pad. Sounds delicious.”

My ex said the same thing about red wine, except it happened a dozen or so times. I still don’t agree with her argument because we’re not together anymore, and she took her gross wine riddled mattress with her.

That is nasty.

The palindrome has the possibility of having the better stats, right? Higher base AA I thought.


I feel really bad about how all of this is going down, but yes, we are all dating your wife.

The MIDA isn’t a pulse, it’s a scout. And the matador is best because it has more impact. You would take one with aggressive ballistics over one with max range if you don’t have both options.

Solid .gif action! But honestly I’m glad I’m not the only one who wondered about this. For anyone actually looking for an answer to “what code?”, it’s the small print under the picture at the top. Hopefully others will see this instead of reading through the article multiple times in vain.

Solid .gif action! But honestly I’m glad I’m not the only one who wondered about this. For anyone actually looking

True, but putting velvet ropes around your parked lambo is indeed perfect.

Harharhar. Benjo is a nickname and 27 is the number of orgasms I gave your mom last night, idiot.

Literally the only person I know that is into flying drone (or quadcopter as he would say) is a surgeon. Anecdotal examples are great, right? And since the propellers weren’t moving when he cut himself do you also think he should be forbidden from using a knife when he eats?

So Bauer cut his finger on his drone WHILE he was supposed to be pitching?! Well ok then, I can’t support that. I had assumed it happened away from work and that comments like this came idiotic mouth breathers who think pro athletes aren’t allowed to have hobbies on their time off. Thanks for clearing this up!

When you say Booker T. is the best because “he felt like he achieved it by himself”, are you suggesting that his matches weren’t predetermined and he won them titles due to his wrastlin’ skills?


This. Punting the ball in the stands is the only reasonable thing to do. If Ronaldo can’t have the ball, the nobody can have the ball.

That’s disappointing to hear...

My local grocer forces you to bag each item. There’s a weight sensor and it won’t allow you to scan the next item until it’s been bagged. That is all.

Ooh sorry, close. We were looking for “Did you grab her by the pussy?”

Shit. I hated the game too, but shit.