And a +1 to you, sir.
Those were Cliff Lee's final w/l totals from last year when pitched in 30 games.
Well heroin is converted to morphine once it enters the human body (if I remember correctly) so you wouldn't necessarily get a hit for heroin itself...
I...don't even know where to begin with this.
I must have missed the news reports but uh...when did that actually happen? Because things like determining the truth of whether a kid was minding his own business or not isn't really something most courts do.
The point was, I think, to draw the comparison between this gif and these fellow sports enthusiasts http://deadspin.com/5961953/i-cant…
Um....are you serious? Donald Sterling has decades of saying this shit! Maybe YOU should do some research, eh?
Crocs makes shorts now??
In 21 at-bats...
Arm-a-gettin' the feeling that the Post isn't that high quality of a periodical.
No comment from anyone on this?
Riffing off Fartknocker's BS charge theory below: For all the attorneys out there (Of which I am one. Admittedly, however I'm not necessarily very intelligent),
5. However, out of those 5, my rationale was correct on only 2 or 3 of them.
The meandering ill-formed thoughts of a sociopath?
His normal daily routine of blood letting and pain killers hasn't worked well in recent months.
No, but it was gonna happen any way, with or without Streit. Plus as of this moment, we don't know if Streit will sign with the Flyers and for what price/years.
Thats why the good lord created amnesty clauses and long term injured reserve.
Old Balkin' Bob Davidson managed to blow two absurdly obvious calls in two successive days. If I did that, I'd be looking for a new line of work.
True. Its certainly not longer than an inch, if even that big. It could be used for IM injections in the deltoids, but other than that...