Ben Doernberg

Doesn't matter, the onus of proof isn't on her, it's on them. They need to have a reason to do something like that, there was no visible reason. You can't just assume someone is going to attack a cop because of the general direction they are walking. On the other hand, if an officer is going to cross check you with a

This is one of the liveries being kicked around now, courtesy of Ben Doernberg:

very terse

Thought this was a joke when I read it on Jayski the other day. Good for Josh and co. Plus he'll have a somewhat legit shot at the win with it being 'Dega.

Wow. Such amaze. So breathless. No speech. Very Doge.

I agree. $20 well spent.

What??? They're sponsoring a driver through donations. That's pretty cool. Yeah Doge gets exposure but it's pretty much a joke anyway.

10/10 Would Support

Yes, because sponsoring racecars is a terrible, terrible thing.

Needs to go on a Challenger in the NNS. It just has to.

This is ridiculous and stupid and I love everything about it. GO DOGE!!

Travis's new favorite racecar. :D

So she's quickly adapted from being visibly disappointed and disgusted, to throwing in the towel, giving up, and faking satisfaction. That's nothing new. Every woman I've ever slept with does that.

Daaaamn, dude! All I did was eat shit after a local news lady asked us some pandering questions while we were out running in the snow. Didn't realize my on-camera awkwardness and subsequent spill warranted such an epically fucked up fate. Can't imagine what's in store for anyone who actually takes themselves (or

You took a major spill and owned up to it with class. Essentially, you are the complete opposite of British Petroleum. Kudos.

As the chick in this video, all I can say is that running in powder when there's no one else out at night is a shitload of fun. But stopping to pose for the local news station in the middle of the icy street hurts like a bitch. Glad it's as funny for everyone else as it was for us.

Wow. This is the ultimate in concern trolling.