
Stansted... shudder.

Law shouldn’t expect a Reddit user to actually know how to get insider.

That’s not what a reserve is, but OK.

I have a question: why is "because" such a hard word for you type out, considering you were willing to type out 343 other words, in their totality, about HOT HAM WATER?

The only thing missing was Little Caesar finishing off the segment with his trademark phrase "Penis! Penis!"

He's a true man of the people.

Then you defy the New Testament. In 1 Timothy, Chapter 2, which is in the New Testament, Paul commands that women wear no elaborate hairstyles, no gold or pearls, and that they learn in quietness and full submission, because Adam came first and it was Eve who was deceived. If you allow your wife a voice, you are in

Photographer: Do you want to jump, too?

Seriously what the hell is that? Can someone weigh in here?


Is it me or is Lemon getting whiter?

Let's be honest here. If he had put 4 or 5 bullets in her he would have been within his rights. After all, he probably thought his life was in danger. She is an anti-police radical. She was making visible an anti-police statement. Also, she could be a Muslim atheist jihadist. There is no evidence of this, but it is

Hot Take!

For all the Patriots playoff games this year, my sons and I have all donned our No. 12 Tom Brady jerseys. We wore them because Brady is so darn good, so darn handsome

This is even more hilarious when you realize that most of the visual effects in Babe involved airbrushing out the animals' assholes.

Thats the part I love best, yes Harbaugh they were trying to deceive you, you moron.

Ohhhh. I thought the joke was that somebody from UMass-Lowell was being interviewed as an expert on TV.

Dear Stan, I wrote you but you still ain't called/

There is weird stuff when you Google image search Ron Pores.

They're not condemning rape. They're using rape as an opportunity for sports smack talk. It's the epitome of trivialization.