
Are you serious? Guilty or acquitted, in either case, he’ll 100% never see the inside of an NFL locker room ever again. Despite the difficulties of proving homicide in a court of law, in the public eye it’s pretty clear that he either A) murdered 3 people; B) murdered at least 1 person; or C) was present for and

Are you serious? Guilty or acquitted, in either case, he’ll 100% never see the inside of an NFL locker room ever again. Despite the difficulties of proving homicide in a court of law, in the public eye it’s pretty clear that he either A) murdered 3 people; B) murdered at least 1 person; or C) was present for and

No doubt he has some severe addiction problems, but I dunno what you mean by ‘physically destroying’ drugs. Sure he was on the junk in the past but his latest relapse was only coke as far as I know. Which is definitely not a physically destroying drug, and which we also know has a long history in baseball—just look at

Explain how that’s in the reach of middle class people because that makes nooo fuckin sense to me. An NYC-LA flight would be pretty much equal to the median household income.

Yeah, I don’t see why this is a big deal. Do people watch this shit alone anyway? Even with 10 people it’s 10 bucks each... cheaper than a movie.

I agree that the 'weed-as-panacea' thing is total horseshit, but isn't this 'motivation killing' thing also kinda a huge load? I know there were some studies that made that claim, but it strikes me as way too rooted in the classic lazy stoner stereotype... wouldn't it make more sense that people who routinely get

I'm sorry but you're stupid. Trap Queen has been out for months and it's #6 on the Hot 100. Do you really think it'll stay in the top of the chart for the next 16+ weeks? Please. Stop being stupid.

No, no it's not.

Nah, Mustard's sound was last summer. He had an insane amount of tracks on the charts, plus the de facto 'song of the summer' 'Fancy' was a rip-off of his sound and actually originally his beat. (See 'Leave It'—…)

Eh, I'd say club play is even on the decline. Definitely among hip hop fans this song is OOOOLD. Chart peak is coming within a couple weeks. Doubt it'll hit #1 or even 2, but if it does it'll be short lived.

Thank you. A song released December 15 is by nature going to peak way too early for 'song of the summer' status. It's already #6 on the Hot 100. What, is it supposed to stay at the top of the chart for the next 16 weeks? Please.

wtf? What a stupid prediction. This song is gonna peak way too early to be the song of the summer. Anyone who really knows anything about rap or even just pop music has already exhausted it about a month ago.

I'll try to offer an explanation as I went through a similar phase—I was super into all this underground/'conscious'/'backpack' rap and Golden Age 90s stuff in the mid/late 2000s, and rather immaturely thought that all of the mainstream radio rap must be shitty/watered down/commercial by comparison. A grain of truth

How does that even happen?

Don't forget J.Lo

I thought it was just me too... either it's the lighting or makeup or something but his skin definitely looks lighter in this video.

This is weird.


"a child's game"? c'mon, bruh, you sound bitter. What's the point of making a guy talk if he doesn't want to? And what do you classify as a "half decent response"? Is the NFL gonna start grading players' responses and fining them accordingly?

At what point do reporters just shut the fuck up and stop bothering the guy? This is getting old.