
Thank you for this article! When a nurse first suggested the yogurt vagina popsicle I was VERY skeptical as I tend to rely on the magic of modern medicine. However a sensitive approach to delicate areas has its merits and after anitbiotics and a recurring yeast infection I was desperate enough to try it. Best idea

As we called it at uni, the "random naked running men" scene after they get caught skinny dipping. Fantastically hilarious!

My cat had the same "its a drain" logic which was fine till we moved to a place without good drainage in the shower. So I started keeping a spare water bowl over the drain and she got the hint that the shower/tub was for drinking water only.

But what about the boobs? I tried suspenders, but they looked ridiculous stretching around the girls.

Like many women, I have a love/hate relationship with the girls. I love feeling feminine and pretty. I love that they balance out my chubby figure, I think/hope. I hate trying to dress around them for work as even the most modest v-neck turns into cleavage city if I bend over, and working with kids that's kinda

Speaking as a patient, I've had good and bad experiences with doctors offering weight advice. I know I'm overweight and that I need to work on it with my family history, so I understand why a doctor would mention it. However, I'm not having any weight-related health problems and was told by my long-standing GP to work

That is the best advice on when to mention something. Its thoughtful and helpful. Bad haircut, just me nice about it. Lipstick on their teeth, say it politely and offer a tissue. Love it!

Anyone else having a Steinfeld flashback? Pretty sure it was Princess Di cake Ellan stole and head beautiful music while eating. Doesn't really justify the purchase, just surprising seeing life imitate tv.

As a Bryn Mawr College Alumna I went to a womens university for equal opportunity in the classroom and the support I received on campus. I felt 100% safe and supported on campus, both from the university which had fabulous security staff and from my peers. As an Honor Code school personal responsible was very

One of the reasons I fully support legalising assisted suicide is to create a space for these conversations. My hope is that steps would be put in place for the patient and their family to openly discuss all available medical options with their doctor. This would be an opportunity to dispel any fears and inform of how

No way! I fell for him as an adorkable teen on 3rd Rock from the Sun. We're like imaginary High School sweethearts. And he's grown into SUCH a fine young man!

Now playing

This is just so horrible, both that these women were assaulted and that authorities have dismissed the attacks.

Aww I love the idea of a tolerance-com! As another Mawrter I loved the inclusive atmosphere on-campus, just hated the assumptions off-campus. But then that's close-minded frat boys for you.

Save the curls! I was always super jealous of my Brazilian friend with fabulous natural curls. My European-American mutt hair barely does wavy on a good day. :( Clearly "the man" is balding and jealous of your fabulous hair.

That right there is love! So much respect for those ladies.

I quite like cuddling the cat and being cuddled in an effectively "triple spoon" of cat, human, human cuddling. Very nice in cold weather, while the butterfly or toast position (2 side by side with space between) are better in heatwaves.

I completely support this article and am continually pissed off when people expect me to express false happiness just to make them feel more comfortable. I have been asked my entire life by people, total strangers mostly, "Why aren't you smiling?" As a child I found the question annoying in its simplicity and

Living in the UK I get similar treatment as the "other White." As in not "White British" or "White Irish" I am the other White and it sure does confuse people! Once I start talking I either get asked "where are you from?" which is ok so long as people are polite, or I get outright accused of being American. (I have

When trying to coax the cat into a cuddle, "Give it to me, that soft, that sweet, that fluffy stuff." My cat is an attention whore, so loves it. At least that's what I tell myself.

So why does the Slut Formula only count contact with guys, particularly as it deems kissing other girls in front of guys as "slutty" behaviour?