
Just wanted to add that my two cats are half Bengal and half moggie and are mischievousness sweethearts.

I offer hugs for Manilla as its hard to be fabulous when you're hurting. I also find it surprising and sad that students are protesting the show. Jesus hung out with the disenfranchised of his time- prostitutes, tax collectors and so on - and taught tolerance and acceptance of these people on the fringes of his

As a pale-skinned natural blonde I burn just looking out the window and would like to bring back the parasol as a cancer-fighting sunshade. Yes I get some odd looks as I shield myself on the rare sunny day in England, but I am also regularly mistaken for a fresh-faced 20 year old while I'm really brushing 30. In the

I live in England. The weather is the bulk of polite conversation as it changes A LOT compared to the states and as "So how about them Yankees?" has a completely different meaning over here.

I still love the show, but miss the make-it-yourself aspect of some of the earlier series. Like the "Wigstock" challenge making an outfit out of hair had this next top model and design challenge in one aspect I really loved,

Even in my little town of Wappingers Falls, New York my mother the primary teacher got more shock value of my purple and green streaked hair than I did in High School in 2002. "Oh my you LET your daughter dye her hair?!" " Well yeah its temporary. It will grow out and its HER hair."

I'd have to say that its a relatively recent rise as I noticed the difference after living in the UK for the past 5 years were tipping is much less frequent. I was shocked to hear that less than 20% was rude from waitress friends in NYC when 10-15% tip is generous in the UK, even for a large group. Part of that is

Could they branch out to include breast cancer survivors too? I would think that there would be some cross-over of getting a prosthetic to stay in place and still wanting to feel fabulous. And then its about all us girls in to together, no matter how you got to be a girl. Polyanna signing off.

Actually a man who can cook is hot, see Bruce Willis running around in just an apron in The Story of Us. Also the more my dude helps with the house, the more time I have for couple time. That's just basic maths.

I initially assumed that "minority feisty" referred to a spirited female character from an ethnic minority with a quick wit and sharp tongue. Despite the fact that I love these characters, casting "token" characters as the comic relief is another way that women and minorities are hidden and belittled in cinema.

While a fashion shoot at a memorial is missing the point, photographs on their own are not. When visiting Lidice, a Czech town burned to the ground in Nazi retaliation, I cried through the museum, but was inspired by their truly beautiful memorial garden. Red and orange roses are arranged in a pattern to commemorate

Am I the only one out there who wants to elope? The idea of spending $27k on a wedding actually makes me ill and even $1-5k seems like a massive indulgence on my public sector earnings. I would honestly be quite happy to go to the register's office and make it legal before a nice couples holiday somewhere that people

I appreciate the artist's sentiment in outlining how society judges skirt length and think that society can take a hike. I also feel that each person has their own label for how each length feels which would be a nice contrast to this piece, eg. knee length- work uniform, below the knee- can sit on the floor with

Your doctor rocks! I got the "like normal cramps" party line and then nearly passed out from the pain. Good long term solution, but really really give yourself some recovery time as you'll feel rough for hours or days after while your hormones settle.

I understand that experience is valuable in any job, especially in the current economy, and value the training I am gaining as an intern. However it does piss me off that my current paid internship places me as neither an employee or a student of the university I am working for and being paid by. In their own words I

The donation option is always nice because you know its going to a good cause and shows that a gift is appreciated, but not necessarily expected.