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Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but its my favorite clip of Wonder Woman taking down a slut shamer directly.

As an American living in the UK, think you nailed it. I still love the ideals of the USA- freedom, tolerance, equality, that ideal that anyone can have it all through hard work, but I’ve become disillusioned in a Mr Smith Goes to Washington sort of way. While the class system is still part of Britain, they had gay

So the butterflies I embroidered on my winter coat (to hide the coffee stains) are secretly on trend. Woot!

Now I want ridiculous frilly steampunk panties with gin lane on the bum and ideally an appropriate event to wear them, like a historical re-enactment gin tasting. A girl can dream.

You are not alone! I have dated guys that got a bit huffy about me wanting to pay my way, like I was insulting their manhood or something, but it makes me really uncomfortable for someone else to pay for everything. My loose rule of thumb is I accept drinks, occasional dinner, basically things you might buy for a

“My body, my agency & my sexuality are not invitations; they are vessels which I am entitled to use at my discretion.”

Interestingly a report on gender balance in after school museum programs for teens in London had a similar finding, directly from the horse’s mouth. They interviewed teens about what activities they would be interested in and why they thought girls were more likely to sign up. (The study was commissioned to provide

Just to add that more single-person unisex and wheelchair accessible toilets- its a good thing for everyone. Its big enough for a parent, kids and pram in one cubicle, making watching them all much easier. Also a godsend for anyone with personal health issues. My old work had a row of little unisex bathrooms- just a

Yep. Mine are exactly the same. They’re indoor city cats and whenever they see another cat outside the window the cry of OTHER CAT! OTHER CAT! rings across the flat. They’d totally loose in a fight, little domesticated fluffbrains, but they think they’re all that.

Question to medievalists- would a well-stocked castle be any good? I'm thinking if you had a farm and animals, lots of canned goods inside a walled in area with sniper spots and moat, Evil Dead style but with modern weapons. Would that be a survival scenario? Especially it you're out in the middle of Wales somewhere

"Thing is," she said pausing for dramatic effect, "some males just don't understand proper grammar.

I love Miss Canada! It's like Silver Samurai and Miss Bo Peep had a baby at a hockey game.

I had to have a look through the whole show, as these "tribal" masterpieces just don't seem like real clothes to me. The coat, blazers and jackets are all rather nice, then the penis windows *ahem* pop up. Maybe he's trying to re-invent the fly? I had thought that zip and button flies worked well, but sure let's try

Well yes the story about tits and ass photography might also be expected to include some cunts as they generally come as a packaged deal. Now if he was photographing some drag queen t and a realness or out and proud transwomen that would be edgy, possibly culturally informative and fun, but still probably should be

I live in the UK and having a year of mostly paid maternity leave, with your job guaranteed still there at the end and accrued leave for that year, is the norm. Oh and employers are also open to changing your hours when you get back, or extending the maternity leave if you feel you need it with the new family member.

I would like to add to that the emotional and social support spouses offer to one another. Its impossible to put a price tag on, but having someone listen to your problems, offer support and cheer you on are hopefully part of a healthy relationship and a huge help to achieving that success.

All I can think is that someone in production has top wrapping skills! I honestly put everything in a box to make wrapping easier and they managed a buttplug!

Firstly wow that is impressive. Also really jealous of the lovely studio, stripper pole set-up and general athleticism. Hear that Santa? I've been super good this year...

This is where the national sex survey of the UK could shed some very interesting light into "standard sexual practices", under the assumption that standard= most common. Also yay free contraception on the NHS. Sadly despite all this teen pregnancy is still high over here, so more proper sex ed and relationship support

Darn you. I totally didn't need another quirky fetish.