
RT @Ravens The child deeply regrets his role in the incident.

That is marketability, not influence. North West on the cover of a magazine would sell more issues than Justice Roberts. Who is more influential?

Okay, please post exactly all this every time some article is posted here about Beyonce. Outside of 'she's a great singer, I enjoy her albums', nothing else should be said about her. I'm not sure why people act like she is amazing or incredible or so important. She's just another pop singer. There have been many,

If she's the most influential person in the world then let's put her to good use rather than traveling around singing and dancing. Perhaps we should send Beyonce in to negotiate peace between the Israelis and Palestinians then? Or she can work out a deal for the Tibetans with the Chinese? Maybe secure the safe return

Time Magazine, like every other player in the flailing and failing print industry, puts the person most likely to sell magazines on the cover of the "most influential" issue. If anyone honestly believes that Beyonce is more influential in the global sphere than, I don't know, actual world leaders, I would recommend

The most

Hear hear! I posit her sheer existence is implied consent to that digital greeting!

It might be that she has a demanding career and is tired.

Actually, I'll be celebrating my 20 year anniversary next month, and I and my partner are twice-a-month folks (on average), and quite satisfied with that. Some people just don't have the sex drive that others do; the problem comes when there's a serious mismatch between sex drives. As long as both partners are GGG

You keep insisting she's fucking someone else. Because a woman is always fucking someone. And if it isn't the man who is right there offering then it is someone else. It just couldn't be that the lazy sod she's married to has de-evolved into a lump who thinks foreplay consists of "hey, how 'bout it?" A woman/wife is

She's fucking someone else, bro.

Calling it now, Ball Pit is *the* costume for Halloween 2014.

Leads to perfect pick-up line:

"Sorry, don't have enough money to buy you a drink. As compensation, I wish to offer you an extra hour in the Ball Pit."

Oh fuck no. It's for stalking Benedict Cumberbatch.

I am a professor. I shall use this as my response to every grade dispute from hence forth.

"Tweet Mark Ruffalo!" is going to be my go-to response for every single problem I ever encounter from now on.

Tip 1: don't hire out an expensive hotel to hold something like this.

IT IS NOT. NOT AT ALL. Not safe for work, home, car, airport or anywhere except the bowels of hell.

Yeah, that was me over the weekend when I was digging through all of the posts on DashCon.

I would totally watch a NASCAR vs LOTR nerd fight.