Can you imagine living like Taylor Swift?
Can you imagine living like Taylor Swift?
I don’t think it’s even concerned about the black perspective! It’s a feel good book for white people who want to congratulate themselves for not be as racist as klansmen. It’s so patronizing.
I hate this book. It’s the literary equivalent of the Black Friend. I can’t be a racist, I love TKAM! I named(or am planning on naming) my son Atticus, my daughter Scout.”
Purple Rain will be forever off limits. Yes I know they happen but I refuse to listen to them... Therefore they don’t exist.
Love Your Kitties Thread ver. 2.0
So I forgot to tell y’all a story that happened a few weeks ago!
Every year that goes by, that article looks stupider and stupider.
this movie is freaking documentary now
So what you’re saying is Crews 2020 is on the cards?
YESSSS thank you. The assumptions are crazy on here.
Laura has responded:
Well, that’s a ridiculous stance. 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, THE GOOD PLACE, Bob’s Burgers are/were all on network tv in the last 15 years. (I’m sure I’m missing a ton.)
I thought the second episode did a good job of using Mark and Dan to explain the mindset of trans individuals, and the bravery it takes to be yourself when the world rejects that.
To me every neck tattoo says. “Save room for me in jail”.
Here’s the thing- anyone who’s opinion flips on whether or not Trump is a good president (GOD, I still CAN’T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED) is only changing based on whether or not things are better for them, PERSONALLY. And that’s despicable. “Oh, hate crimes are on the rise, the country is more divided than it has been in…
I cannot believe you guys left out the bizarre bit that Haddish openly talks about drinking TURPENTINE in that GQ article... and she even encourages other people to drink some! That shit is fucking weird and scary.
When did feminism start to mean you had to love every woman and never ever say “Gurl, what happened to your face?” without having to take a feminism purity test? Cuz I’m old as fuck and there’s plenty of women I don’t like. Can I still has feminism or is my card revoked?
It makes me SO depressed when these thoughts cross my mind and I’m like, are they turning me into a Glenn Beck conspiracy freak? because I totally believe this is a money stash and hide operation... and I could draw you a wonderful chart to prove it.