
I loved that Puerto Rico did their nomination in Spanish. 

I have a very Catholic Facebook friend that was getting his underwear in a twist over people looting and rioting and saying violence isn't the solution. He even quoted some Bible verse. It took all my mental strength not to post that meme.  In the end, the drama I would cause when I posted that wasn't worth the

Anna Wintour has had the same haircut for a million years. How is someone who leads a fashion magazine doing that? People are supposed to take fashion cues from her? 

I've seen this movie as well and your review is perfect. 

Doesn't Ben Affleck have a movie coming up where his character is an alcoholic that fucks up and recovers because he has a basketball team to coach? How much of this introspection is for show? He will always be Nick Dunne from Gone Girl to me. 

I get what you mean, but I have been over Ann Rule since that whole Diane Downs 20/20 interview. Diane had a child after she got arrested and Ann Rule knew who the woman's father was, but wouldn’t tell the woman.  The woman deserved to know one normal biological parent and Ann Rule never told her who he was. 

I read that book! It was interesting that he would only confess while whispering into a tape recorder and "theorizing" what happened to those women. 

I binged this on Sunday and enjoyed it. It destroyed a lot of the Ted Bundy myths about him being super intelligent or extra charming. His high school peers described him as creepy and he was simply able to take advantage of how women were (and still are) socialized to be nice.  It was good to see if from the women

I know the color scheme isn’t owned by Sainsbury’s, but I hope someone along the way noticed and said something. I want to know if people will wear it to Sainsbury’s and get approached as if they are employees. I don’t dare wear red when I shop in Target anymore because the amount of times I have been approached

This has been my favorite thing about this new collection.

And that Harriet Tubman biopic.

No Taylor Swift pictures?  Did she skip because she’s avoiding Cats questions? 

What a fucking cop out. The scenes with Rey and Leia looked staged as hell too and yet they didn't cut those scenes. 

In Henry Cavill's case, I feel like it's the meaning you thought it was. He's super attractive, but barely holding it together as a person. 99% of the time that guy sticks his foot in his mouth and says the most regressive/ridiculous stuff. 

I feel like Henry Cavill's a hot mess, but dang... 

I only have one person I could ever tell I was at emotional capacity with, and it's my sister. I know she's one of the few people who can be having an emotional crisis, but also understand that I can be going through shit too. However, we frequently make deals that one of will listen to the other vent for a little bit

As a teacher, that's a big "No." 

Right? What are those dummies thinking? Burning the book doesn’t make the money they  paid fly back into their pockets. Fucking sell it if you hate it that much. 

My boyfriend lives in a 400 sq foot studio in a high rise in San Diego's East Village. It's directly above public transportation and walking distance of the Gaslamp Quarter. His mortgage is $800. This price is pretty nuts. 

What’s parking situation like? Don’t charge me that much money for such a small space and then tell me I have to park on the street. Finding a parking space in that area is hard.