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It’s from The New Frontier, a multiverse story. It’s set in the late 1950s-early 60s. The “John Henry” in this story is the uncle of the Steel character (he makes a cameo, as a boy, at the end of the series, you can see him in a clip of the DC Animated movie of the book, below)

All you need is a dark wall or dark vanity next to the toilet to see how much splashes out. Let’s just say I have to wipe it down at least once a week to get the splatter marks off of the vanity.

I shudder to think of a future where the streets are patrolled by grim tunic-wearing troopers marching as one and chanting “PizzaPizza!”

After checking the video, I am 99% sure it’s the one of the ones I had played...I can say it was a blast if you really enjoy Stuntman. Part of enjoying Stuntman is bashing your head against an objective repeatedly until it works out. This game definitely has that. It’s an enjoyable game, but it is a Stuntman game in

I’ve been trying to find clips of this for YEARS. He also had an actual items segment that included “Peter Pan Peanut Butter with Chiggers” that I’ve never been able to find but used to think was hilarious. 

I think the biggest sign for me (that I ignored but it lingered) was in the first hour of the game you only actually play for like five minutes of it...

To someone white. Who had an angry dad.

Quick rolling around CSB: 1980ish. Ozzy’s first solo SF show at Cow Palace. Crowd lined up between serpentine barricades. Big empty spot in middle with lonely trash can. Checkpoint for booze. Lonely trash can becomes impromptu target. Einstein tries to light it on fire with Molotov, fails. Shemp comes along,kicks

I keep getting this bug where mission objectives get layered on top of one another resulting in them cycling through each other resulting in a blurry illegible mess.

I’m pretty sure they’ve changed it so that your first planet always has an environmental hazard. Probably as part of the tutorial. I reloaded about 15 times yesterday and always got some kind of hazard on the first planet.

It doesn’t restart the whole tutorial, I know because this happened to me last night haha your inventory is just left at the point where you died and you go pick it up if you need to.

Nah I see what the guy is saying. I never got upset at villains on TV shows until Captain Cold came to my house and froze all my soup, but it was my own fault for watching The Flash and being a part of that community. 

They’re basically machines housing copies of human minds built for a long forgotten golden age war. Occasionally they have to be rebooted, hence the number after the name, which degrades the copy and results in memory loss and fragmentation.

Appease the fans upset about the snow by offering more time in the ball pit.

I felt the same way about Stellaris. I’m an experienced Paradox gamer. I knew broadly what to expect.

I watched one of those YouTube videos and thought “honestly, I think I’m just gonna learn by screwing up.”

I just ordered it from Amazon, arrives tomorrow.

They added non-lethal back in after Unity and Syndicate? I used nothing but that for ACIII. Watching my enemies roll on the ground grabbing their stomachs was satisfying.

It’s like he’s not even sure how he’s meant to feel any more.